Dreaming of food

  • Does anybody else have dreams about food? Two nights ago, I had this really detailed dream where I was at some kind of banquet/party, and there were these little chocolate desserts on the table and I kept eating them and eating them. When I woke up that morning, I started to think about how I could adjust my week to account for the extra food - and then I realized that it never actually happened. Last night I dreamed about a chocolate chip brownie I had been served over the holiday. I only had a small bit of it in reality, but in my dream I ate two. WTF?

    I don't know if this is because some part of me is feeling deprived because I didn't really indulge over the holidays, or that I've just got chocolate on the brain (yes, I noticed that trend). It does suck waking up thinking about sweets. Am I just being a weirdo here, or do other people go off plan in their dreams?

  • No! I haven't dreamed about food, but I have waken up in the middle of the night and started eating things, and woke up and didn't even realize that I ate stuff until I had that funny taste in my mouth. It's really odd. Increasing my calorie amount to a satisfying level really helped that. Do you have these often, or is this the first time?
  • I have had that dream. It was such a relief to know that I hadn't eaten all that food!
  • I dream about food and exercise a lot LOL!

    Never really about weight loss itself, though - isn't that funny?
  • Lisa, you are not alone. I've had those dreams a few times. I would wake up all upset that I ate so much and it was always something sweet. It would take me a while to wake up enough to realize it was just a dream. I think I didn't trust myself yet with food. I have a huge fear of going back to old habits and old foods.
  • I dream about food on purpose. Some days when I just really want a pan pizza or a buffet or a cheesecake, I tell myself I can eat the WHOLE THING in my dreams if I want. Then when I go to bed I fall asleep thinking about every smell, taste, and texture of whatever food I was craving and I dream of eating it all. Or I dream of the buffet and stuffing myself with everything. I know it sounds weird, but it works for me. Mainly because I have such VIVID memories and thoughts about food that if I close my eyes in a quiet room, I can actually smell and taste that stupid pizza! The key is to eat enough in your dreams that you don't want anymore when you wake up
  • Oh yes. I dream that I walk into a bakery and start eating anything and everything I desire. I only seem to have these dreams when I'm on-plan.
  • LOL - I totally had food dreams on vacation! I woke up soooo mad at myself and then was like "hmmm wait, I'm still in bed..."
  • Well, the good news is that last night I dreamt about cats. (I don't even know.) Hopefully that signals the end of the food dreams, at least for now.
