What's for dinner?

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  • I don't know if there has been a thread like this before on in this section or not, but I've seen it on other forums and thought it may be fun and give us some ideas on other stuff to eat. We can keep it going forever too :P

    I had baked herb tilapia with homemade tartar sauce and some cole slaw. I also had a Whipped Key Lime Pie yogurt for dessert.

    How about ya'll?
  • I love Tilapia.

    I had whole wheat pasta with spinach and tofu and mushroom sauce on top, broccolli on the side and an orange for desert.
  • Turkey rollup with a side salad, potato salad and half of an oatmeal raisin cookie for dessert.
  • Big gigantic salad! Fat free zesty Italian dressing, only 15 calories per serving- and PACKED with flavor, so good. And I had 3 little cookies... darn those cookies!
  • T-bone steak, brussell sprouts, green beans and water.
  • I went to cheesecake factory and had their Thai Lettuce Wraps! Yum yum. Only downfall, Cheesecake factory is notorious for not giving there nutrition info. I'm assuming they can't be that bad, I skip that one really thick peanuty dressing that comes with them, and those little noodle things.
  • We are still eating turkey lol..I had a turkey sandwich with avocado and a slice of provolone and a yam. I was not good though for dessert. I had a piece of banoffee pie
  • my mother in law made meatloaf. I had a small piece and a TON of broccoli.

    I'm baking brownies for a tailgate tomorrow and I was licking the spoon when I was done. SORRY OKAY?
  • Quote: my mother in law made meatloaf. I had a small piece and a TON of broccoli.

    I'm baking brownies for a tailgate tomorrow and I was licking the spoon when I was done. SORRY OKAY?
    LOL. Brownie batter is the devil...
  • "Sloppy Jane" from the Hungry Girl cookbook in a whole wheat pita with 2% cheddar cheese, Fuji apple, lots of water, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich
  • Tomato soup. I love soup. I could eat it every single meal , 365 days a year.
  • Half a chicken sandwich from chili's with black beans and steamed broccoli (245 cals)

    if you want low calorie meal ideas check out www.sparkrecipes.com
  • Tonight I am having Hot Italian Chicken (baked chicken breast, monterray jack cheese, and pepperoni) with green beans and a granola bar.
  • Stove Top Meatloaf. Stove Top stuffing & lean beef. My husband loves it, so he is always asking me to make it for dinner. Not too bad on the calories either.
  • I had.....

    Smart Ones Creamy Rigatoni pasta with chicken, broccoli and alfredo sauce- 6pts
    Smart Ones Taters and broccoli with cheddar cheese-4pts

    Wavy lays tater chips as a snack/overindulgence, damn tater chips.