5 Day OP Challenge #7

  • This is gonna be a tough week for a lot of us, so I think we should all try & keep each other accountable. I know this won't be a great week for me, but I'm gonna do my best.

    Goals for the week:1555 calories per day, at least 92oz of water, 30DS everyday

    Monday: 1757 calories, 80oz of water, 30DS Level 2 Day 9 <<then I ate about 12 pizza rolls & a Cream soda!
    Tuesday: 1760 calories, 50oz of water, 30DS Level 2 Day 10
    Wednesday: Ate everything in sight, no water, no exercise
    Friday: ate a lot, no water, no exercise
  • This will definitely be a tough week....but things can be good if we make a plan! haha

    Goals: 1400-1600 calories, exercise as much as possible, not go crazy on Christmas, at least 64 oz. of water

    Monday: 1535 calories, 20 minute quick walk, 64 oz of water
    Tuesday: 1521 calories, 35 minutes on the elliptical, 64 oz. of water
    Wednesday: 1586 calories, no exercise, 64 oz. of water
    Thursday: 1869 calories, no exercise, 80 oz. of water
    Friday: 1469 calories, walked around the mall for 2 hours, 64 oz. of water
  • Like everyone else said, this will be a super tough week... my goals are to stay in a reasonable calorie range, exercise twice this week, no sugar (it's been almost a week now!) and plenty of water!
    Calories: too many! I did so bad!
    Exercise: none
    Sugar: Sugar free!
    Water: a lot!
    Better luck tomorrow!

    Calories: 1150
    Exercise: tradmill!
    Sugar: sugar free
    Water: plenty



  • It is going to be a tough week! My goals are to stay within my calorie range, drink as much water as possible and to get some sort of workout in 4 days!!

    Monday:1857 cals, 75 oz water and no exercise! I will do better tomorrow!!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • OK I am going to do this this week!

    My goals:
    1300-1550 calorie range each day
    Lots of h20 each day
    Limited sugar to 1 treat a day (seriously sad that this is a cut-down, but I'm working on it!!)
    Workout 4 times in the 5 days

    MONDAY: Today I was within my calories, drank lots of water, but I had 3 peanut butter cookies and a candy cane (oops- went over on that!), and I haven't worked out yet. And so I probably won't, haha, I really do have to do it in the morning or I'm screwed basically. So I'll do it the rest of this week, but in the MORNINGS! Woop woop!

    Good luck ladies!
  • I'm in as well.

    My Plan: 1800 calories, run 20+miles, 3 weight training sessions, 1 spin class.

    Monday: 1780 calories, 48 oz water, ran 5 miles
    Tuesday: 1768 calories, 80 oz water, ran 3.2 miles
    Wednesday: 1806, 76 oz water, ran 5.3 miles
    Thursday: 1802 calories, 80 oz water, ran 5 miles; Merry Christmas!
    Friday: 1801 calories, 80 oz water, ran 5.1 miles

    Good luck to everyone!
  • my goal is 90oz + water per day.
  • Great way to get started
    Hi New Friends - I can't think of a better way to get started (this is my first time newly registered on 3FC ... I was a regular poster about 10 years ago!). I am in flux as to which weight loss approach I want to follow, but I am most familiar with Weight Watchers, and have mapped out my points via the "Wendie plan" for the week. I'm challenging myself to stay with it through the week (Mon-Sun). My daughter gave me a recumbant bike and thanks to THIS thread and all ya'll on it, I am committing to 1/2 hour on it every single day.

    I think once I am on track and reach my first goal (ONEDERLAND) I will explore other options that I have also tried in the past (calorie counting and intuitive eating, among others). ANYTHING will work if you work it... I have to get into the right frame of mind to work it! This challenge is just the right thing.

  • Quote: Hi New Friends - I can't think of a better way to get started (this is my first time newly registered on 3FC ... I was a regular poster about 10 years ago!). I am in flux as to which weight loss approach I want to follow, but I am most familiar with Weight Watchers, and have mapped out my points via the "Wendie plan" for the week. I'm challenging myself to stay with it through the week (Mon-Sun). My daughter gave me a recumbant bike and thanks to THIS thread and all ya'll on it, I am committing to 1/2 hour on it every single day.

    I think once I am on track and reach my first goal (ONEDERLAND) I will explore other options that I have also tried in the past (calorie counting and intuitive eating, among others). ANYTHING will work if you work it... I have to get into the right frame of mind to work it! This challenge is just the right thing.

    Welcome Samida, you seem to be off to a good start. Good luck this week!
  • My goal this week is:

    700 - 1200 calories a day
    30 miles this week
    6 glasses of water a day

    Cals : 1,000
    Miles : 10
    Water: 4/6
  • Welcome Samida!! Glad you decided to join us!

    And hi everyone else! I actually did ok today. I usually give myself extra calories on Mondays, and I only went over by 200. Need to up the water intake.

    Hope you are all enjoying getting ready for Christmas. Be sure to check in everyday so we can keep each other accountable.
  • I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Tomorrow is going to be a tough one and the next will be the mother of all tests.

    Turns out there is such a thing as organic brownies. Why does putting the word organic in front of something make me feel better, they are still 220 calories a piece. Is it a bad sign if I plan on staying up until midnight to eat my first brownie of the day so I can track it on TDP for wednesday in good conscience.

    Good Luck Ladies!!!!
  • Quote: Is it a bad sign if I plan on staying up until midnight to eat my first brownie of the day so I can track it on TDP for wednesday in good conscience.

    Ahhhh! I love it! I totally have days like that. It's annoying.

    Tomorrow is gonna be tough. We have a tradition that I am bringing to my husband's family of having Santa bring Cinnabon's on Christmas morning so I am going to pick them up tomorrow & do a little shopping in Denver. I know I'm gonna want to eat like a pig, but I have had 3 bad days in a row. I'm really gonna have to pound the water this week if I want to at least stay at 183, let alone try & get down to 182.

    Good luck, girls! I am struggling, but at least I have to admit my mistakes to ya'll!
  • Yesterday went extremely well just a few baked chips and 100 calorie chocolate snack. Other than that every meal was OP. I think what helped me survive this week was allowing myself to increase calories. The scale didn't move but thats not a bad thing b/c it didn't go up. I hope everyone had a wonderful day.