20-Something Profiles

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  • Shared by the 100lb Club forum -

    Please add your profile, so we can get to know you better. Simply copy the text below and paste it into a reply and add your information

    First name:

    Geographical location:


    Marital Status:






    Eye/Hair Color:

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:

    Starting Weight:

    Present Weight:

    Goal Weight:

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:

    Following any specific plan:

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:

    Anything else you would like to share with us:
  • First name: Neeka

    Geographical location: varies between Europe & the US (East coast)

    Age: 26

    Marital Status: single

    Children/Ages: none yet

    Occupation: grad student

    Pets: 2 lazy cats

    Hobbies/Interests: running, yoga, reading novels, politics, reading the news, watching movies, tv series (most of all: True Blood, Lost, Gossip Girl, The West Wing), documentaries, baking cookies, cupcakes and muffins (although not recently! haha)

    Height: 5 ft 4

    Eye/Hair Color: blonde / blue

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: December 1st 2008

    Starting Weight: 145

    Present Weight: 141

    Goal Weight: 116

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: my sweet tooth

    Following any specific plan: no, just counting calories helps a lot

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:
    That I'm seeing it as a challenge and that I'm not ashamed of it anymore. I've learned the hard way that crash diets don't work, so I've given myself a reasonable time frame and I'm doing it the healthy way!

    Anything else you would like to share with us: Visiting this forum & reading all your stories and comments really keeps me motivated - thanks for that!
  • First name: Antonia

    Geographical location: Arkansas

    Age: 23

    Marital Status: Single, living at home

    Children/Ages: N/A

    Occupation: Accountant

    Pets: N/A

    Hobbies/Interests: Crochet, Movies, Books

    Height: 5'6"

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 10/4/07

    Starting Weight: 220lbs

    Present Weight: 165lbs

    Goal Weight:

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:
    I REALLY like eating!

    Following any specific plan: No, just calorie counting and moderate exercise.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: It is working! J/K, I am actually exercising this time.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I don't think I would have ever made it to this point without 3FC. The amount of support here is unbelievable!
  • First name: Jackie

    Geographical location: Canada

    Age: 24

    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: RN

    Pets: none

    Hobbies/Interests: running, reading anything by Jerome Groopman, cooking, traveling, movies, music, taking random classes, public health.

    Height: 5"4

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: July 2008

    Starting Weight: 144 lbs

    Present Weight: 122 lbs

    Goal Weight: 118 lbs

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Consistency after I reach my goal, I've always made a plan to lose weight but never one to keep it off.

    Following any specific plan: Calorie Counting and Whole Food Lifestyle

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm not starving myself and have allowed myself to lose the weight slowly rather than 19 in 6 weeks as I've done in the past.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I love 3fc and can't wait till I can be part of the maintenance forum, that has become such a source of motivation for me.
  • First name: Sherri

    Geographical location: Ontario, Canada

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: Not Yet

    Occupation: Client Care Coordinator...for now. I hate my job and plan on quitting soon

    Pets: 1 cat

    Hobbies/Interests: Travelling, Dancehall and Reggae music, Friends

    Height: 5'9"

    Eye/Hair Color: Green eyed blonde

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Sometime in summer of 08 I started getting serious. I had lost about 20 lbs a year before.

    Starting Weight: 343

    Present Weight: 274

    Goal Weight: 160ish

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Temptation! I still have issues with that

    Following any specific plan: No. I've never counted a calorie in my life.... thats just NOT for me! I just eat healthy and exercise

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I want it so bad this time, so bad that I won't give up

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I love 3FC
  • First name: Maaike

    Geographical location: Holland

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: As single as can be.

    Children/Ages: none

    Occupation: Medical student

    Pets: none (possibly a few mice I don't want)

    Hobbies/Interests: reading, drawing, writing, herbs, cooking, baking, MMORPG's, gaming, music, playing guitar

    Height: 5' 6.5'' i.e. 169 cm

    Eye/Hair Color: green/brown vs brown/red (chestnut)

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: I believe 1 september 2008

    Starting Weight: 76 kg

    Present Weight: 65 kg

    Goal Weight: 65 kg

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I am a big snacker when I have the occasion. People put something down in front of me, and I'll eat it. If I plan out what to eat at for example a party beforehand it goes better - a little bit. The strategy of not snacking the rest of the day, making sure I'm full and exercising more works better for me.

    Following any specific plan: Calorie counting

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: This time I succeeded... I wanted it so bad and I was really sick of my excess weight. In my head, failure was not an option.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: Thank you all so much for your support and advice. I don't think I could have done it without you. And I'll post pics soon.
  • First name: Ashley

    Geographical location: East Coast, USA

    Age: 25

    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: research advancement project specialist

    Pets: 1 cat

    Hobbies/Interests: yoga, reading, writing, computer/console/tabletop rpg games, anime, swimming, martial arts, cinema

    Height: 5'1

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: October 2008

    Starting Weight: 209 lbs

    Present Weight: 182.8 lbs

    Goal Weight: 125 lbs

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I need to be mindful of my eating. I sometimes eat when stressed or bored, so I have to keep a watch out for that. Also, I am easily discouraged and it sometimes leads me to fall back into bad habits.

    Following any specific plan: Move more, eat less and only when I am hungry is my basic plan.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm focusing more on mini goals and trying to forget that I have a larger goal so I won't get as discouraged when thinking about how far I have to go.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: 3FC is really a great help. Reading about other people's struggles and successes really helps me know that I'm not alone.
  • First name: Paula

    Geographical location: Nottingham UK

    Age: 24

    Marital Status: Engaged

    Children/Ages: none(!)

    Occupation: Store Manager

    Pets: 4 cats, all monsters

    Hobbies/Interests: music, gigs, cookery, reading

    Height: 5ft 9.5

    Eye/Hair Color: blue eyes, black hair

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: nov 2008

    Starting Weight: 216.8

    Present Weight: 212.2

    Goal Weight: 160-170 i think?

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: being able to resist take aways, making myself exercise

    Following any specific plan: just whole foods, low cal

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: i feel ready for the long haul, instant gratification is no longer my friend.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: i have lots of tattoos
  • So last time I did this I was living with my boyfriend, in college and had just hit maintenance. I married the BF, graduated, and have 15 pounds to lose. Boy how things change!

    First name: Jen

    Geographical location: Denver, CO

    Age: 26 (27 next month)

    Marital Status: Married (8/23/08)

    Children/Ages: Not yet

    Occupation: Production/event coordinator

    Pets: cattle dog (Dax) cranky old cat (Puck)

    Hobbies/Interests: Music industry news and law, working out, hiking,

    Height: 5'6.5

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 3/10/04 (goal of 135 met on 11/1/04)

    Starting Weight: 210-220 (?)

    Present Weight:150

    Goal Weight: 135

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: eating out and drinking! Ever since I got married in August, I have been steadily creeping up. This is due to not being accountable anymore. Well, that's changed! My husband is on board, too and that helps!

    Following any specific plan: Whole foods and calorie counting

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Implementing tools that will allow me to be accountable (The Daily Plate) and my DH's support.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I've been around since I started maintaining and am excited to be back on top of my game!
  • First name:Robin

    Geographical location:Memphis,TN U.S.A


    Marital Status:Married

    Children/Ages:2 girls one boy 6.4.2


    Pets:i have enough kids haha

    Hobbies/Interests:belly dancing,playing with my kids, singling horribly.


    Eye/Hair Color:brown/dirty blonde

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:Sept.08

    Starting Weight:160

    Present Weight:136.6

    Goal Weight:120

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:Family gatherings!

    Following any specific plan:Nope just watching what i eat and exercising a whole lot.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:Im not giving up if i binge just one day! i pick myself up and get back on the plan . Im not letting anyone influence me on giving up because they think i look good enough after losing 5 pounds.
  • First name: Heather

    Geographical location: Sacramento, CA

    Age: 27

    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: n/a

    Occupation: Office Manager/ HR Director

    Pets: n/a

    Hobbies/Interests: Singing, reading, hanging out with friends.

    Height: 5'11

    Eye/Hair Color: brown/ red

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 6/24/08

    Starting Weight: 305

    Present Weight: 272

    Goal Weight: 190?

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: to keep going when I don't "feel" like it.

    Following any specific plan: Cal counting and exercise

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I've stuck to it more than 3 months! I have an accountability partner and this site.
  • First name: Trina

    Geographical location: Bay Area, CA

    Age: 25

    Marital Status: single…ish

    Children/Ages: none yet

    Occupation: administrative assistant/shipping director/office manager (yeah, woman of many titles

    Pets: none

    Hobbies/Interests: reading, writing, working out, watching wrestling

    Height: 4'11 (ack!)

    Eye/Hair Color: brown, brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: many start dates...10/12/04 is the very start. 2/21/08 us the last start

    Starting Weight: 286

    Present Weight:235 ish...

    Goal Weight:170

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: binging and purging...knowing that the food isn't going anywhere

    Following any specific plan: low cal

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: if I just stay focused, I'll see results. I have to keep that mind set

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I want to be a writer when I grow up.
  • First name: Kelli

    Geographical location: KC, MO-- whoooaaaa!

    Age: 23

    Marital Status: singlet

    Children/Ages: As far as I'm concerned, I have no uterus.

    Occupation: Mutual Fund Account Associate, grad student.

    Pets: Pit bull- Diego, black cat- Tony Dungy

    Hobbies/Interests: Reading, running, window shopping, laughing.


    Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Sept 9 (ish) 2008

    Starting Weight: 188

    Present Weight: 169

    Goal Weight: 140

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: being a broke college student and not being able to afford healthy food and eating like crazy when I get the chance because I feel like I won't have money for food later.

    Following any specific plan: calorie counting and exercise

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I know I can do it and I truely want to- 3FC.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm really sarcastic.
  • First name: Michele

    Geographical location: Boston, MA

    Age: 29

    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: High school special education teacher

    Pets: None at the moment, but I have had cats all growing up.

    Hobbies/Interests: Watching figure skating, traveling, road trips, going to Canada, reading, music, laughing, bargain shopping

    Height: 5'6

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue eyes/Brown hair

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: March 2008

    Starting Weight: 250

    Present Weight: 207.5

    Goal Weight: 165

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Not eating candy and getting exercise in when my routine gets messed up a bit.

    Following any specific plan: Counting calories and going to the gym

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I am serious about it this time. I have seen wonderful results and I can't wait to see more!

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I have the most adorable nieces and nephew ever!! haha
  • First name: Brittany

    Geographical location: Buffalo

    Age: 21...22 in February

    Marital Status: married to Mike. Just over 1 year. (Aug. 07)

    Children/Ages: none...and don't want any

    Occupation: husband's secretary ( I work with him and I spend his check)

    Pets: borrowed hubbie's parent's cat for a few weeks.. we had a mouse problem. Problem gone and I learned that I am not a cat person. Would like a dog, but that comes when we get a house

    Hobbies/Interests: cooking good food. playing on interweb, games, hanging out with friends. driving.

    Height: 5'3"

    Eye/Hair Color: green, blue and sometimes gray/ naturally red

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: hmmm.. I started at 190 in 2006. I'm at 158 in 2008.
    Starting Weight: 190

    Present Weight: 158

    Goal Weight: 135-145 basically 140

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I like my candies. Especially around the holiday season. Its allll sooo good!!! I don't enjoy exercising. And we are always on the go. We drive for a living. So I have to pack healthy lunches, or we get fast food I also suffer from arthritis in my hips bad. Somedays, I just can't do anything. I get depressed at times because of it. I'm 21 and can't clothe myself sometimes

    Following any specific plan: yes, MINE! Small portions, about 300 cal/meal, tons of dairy, beans, veggies and fruit. Some fish, minimal meat.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:I'm determined to lose it. I am at a point where weight loss is more important than eating candy!

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I believe in making my weightloss journey fun and enjoyable. I try not to stress out too much when I don't lose as quickly as I want or I gain a pound. I eat what I enjoy eating. If I don't like it, I'm not going to stick to it.