Accountability Buddy

  • Hey guys...

    So I started working out about two weeks ago again and I lost about 6 pounds in two weeks, which I don't think is bad, but I'm slowly dragging. And it sucks because I FEEL better working out I just need to get in the darn car! Lol.So I'm looking for an accountability buddy. Just someone to talk to sometimes and check in with.

    Also...uhm does anyone know what those huge bouncy balls are in the gym?
  • In the same boat
    I am trying to start exercising again. I had to quit the gym due to money concerns so I will have to do it at home. Feel free to bug me and I will check in with you.

    What kind of exercise are you doing to loose 6 pounds in two weeks. I think that is great!

    Those bouncy balls at the gym are used for tons of things. You can do crunches on them, stretch, bounce, the list is endless. I have one at home but the only one using it right now is my skinny daugher. She is nine and just likes to bounce on it.

    I hope to hear from you soon.

  • Thanks Kimberly!

    Well I do a half hour of can't talk to you cardio Lol
    Sunday and wed. I do lower body core training and monday and thursday I do upper body core. You know if you have a planet fitness near you it's only ten bucks a month! O_O It's a wonderful gym. I have to go pick up the husband but I'll definately catch you around soon!