Weekend Chat December 13th-14th

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  • Hey everyone so just thought I would start this weekend's chat session off. I just got up and had some breakfast consisting of Greek yogurt and veggie bacon with some chicken. Debating whether or not I am going to have time to work out before I go to work this morning. I think I need a dancing carrot to get through todaywoohoo
  • Hey! I haven't done anything good diet wise in the last 2 days. I did however graduate! I'm alumni now.. weird. My mom got really sick Thursday and couldn't make it. It was pretty tough on me because this is something my mom and I have been planning and working towards together for the last 4.5 years. I cried a lot but I'm over it now I think. I just really wanted her to see this. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Congrats Kelli, sorry your mom couldn't be there to see the celebration of such a big achievement.

    Experimented a little with breakfast today and ended up with a sweet potato and mushroom omelet, it was pretty good. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Congrats on graduating kelli!!

    I weighed in today at 70.9kg :O down 2.4kg this week. I have no idea how it happened, but im not complaining
  • Hey guys. Today has been super hard. I've eaten a lot of crap today and I didn't get too much exercise. I went to a two hour lacrosse practice, but although we ran some, it wasn't as much work as it normally is. Then tonight I'm going to a latin club dinner where I have to eat some unhealthy spaghetti. And I have a ton of unhealthy food at the house and I want more than anything to just stuff my face with it. And I'm stressed about finals which start monday, so that just makes me want to eat even more...

    In other news, though, I'm at 173.5 this morning, from 184 on Thanksgiving Day!
  • after a **** week last week i started a fresh Friday....
    just healthy food for me....
    im trying to get the discipline and motivation back to keep me going til new year!....
  • Hmmm... my job hosted our company Christmas party friday night, which I have to say was fabulous. Best freakin' company in the world to work for but I have to say I work with 35 of the loudest women you have ever heard and then add about 2 or 4 martini's per person... needless to say I spent all of Sat. in bed. Then finally around 6pm today, come to find out my DH ordered Papa John's... so what did I do, yep- I had to eat 2 slices. Well, I guess I didn't have to, I just couldn't control myself, but it didn't stop there. I also had 3 buffalo wings. So... needless to say its been a crap weekend.

    However, I am trying to convince myself to go back to sleep so I can wake up in a few hours and do some Christmas shopping with my Christmas bonus.... geesh I sound really cynical, anyone else not really in the "Holiday Spirit" this year?? I think the economy, my weight issues, my marriage issues are really dragging me down this year. So, I guess I am just looking forward to a better week and going home to see my family soon!
  • ive just had roast beef, 3 thin slices 3 small boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, boiled cabbage and 3 drry plums for pudding....
    i dont know why but i feel bad about it....
    and i think thats actually a good lunch....
  • hey lovelies!

    ive just got back from seeing my family, all in one place. all the cards dished out and done. got a chicken roasting in the oven and some veggies ready to go..

    no loss for me again this morning... still at 212.2 lol.

    who knows!

    hope everyone is doing good,hows the weather? its vile here in england!
  • So far today I'm doing perfect!

    I had a yogurt and some corn for breakfast, for 200 calories total. Then I'm going to have 2/3 a cup of corn and 1 cup of corn soup blended together for 220 calories. 420 at lunch time is a pretty good number! Then I'll have a snack around 2, around 4, and dinner at about 6.

    Oh, and (until now) I've been studying! I have a horrible procrastination habit so I'm really glad I'm getting prepared for my finals (even if they are tomorrow and I should have been studying a month ago instead of starting today). But I've been doing good work for an hour and a half straight, so I'm proud of that!
  • Yesterday I went on a first date , it was quite great , we agreed to meet at an irish pub at 7pm, and by the time I got home it was past 1 am, we spent the whole time talking, laughing, and later on walking around vancouver in the middle of a freak snow storm. ( Vancouver gets snow about 3 times a year , and no one is ever prepared, so it seems the whole city shuts down. Its beautiful though). I'm a little worried though , as I did have two ceasers ( alcholic drinks to those not from canada) and a small hot chocolate. I am drinking a lot of water today to hopfully flush out the booze when I weigh in tomorrow.
  • ive eaten a yoghurt and a cake for evening meal....
    followed by a few dried pitted plums....
    feel **** for eating the plums, but i know im well within calories....
    im 112.6 what difference is eating a few pitted plums going to cause me!....

    ive had such a **** weekend, emotionally....
    looked in the mirror and burst into tears....
    had an argument with the bf and burst into tears....
    going to try and have a good couple weeks food/exercise wise before christmas in the hope i can maintain....

    im quite seriously worried im obsessed....
    and i dont know how to control it anymore....
  • sh3l5-- Do you think you're obsessed with your weight? If so, is it the number you're focused on, or the eating, or what? Take a step back and look at what you've accomplished! You've worked hard to eat those plums, and because you have changed your life's habits, you can eat your plums and know that you will stay on track! If you feel like it's getting out of control, I would definitely recommend seeing a professional.
  • It was graduation weekend this weekend. It was awesome and the fact that I am graduated really hasn't set in yet. It still feels like in a few weeks fees are due and I will be buying books to go to classes again, but I am not. I have made better grades this semester than I ever have at my university. It feels like a good time to just be me. However, I think I am going to feel out my job market right now and see if I can land this job that I have been wanting and then with some of my graduation money buy a new TV for my room and some stuff for my wii.

    My boyfriend bought me a wii for my graduation/xmas, and I really wasn't expecting it from him. He has a video on my camera of me opening and I was just sitting there this stunned/awe look on my face.

    My parents and family decided about 5 minutes after they seen me walk across the stage to leave the ceremony and go home. It thought it was really cheap but there really isn't anything I can do about it now.

    My party went fantabulously and I don't think we could have fit any more people in my house. LOL We had a great time.

    Well off to go and see our church musical, it is supposed to be completely awesome which I am in no doubt that it will be.

    P.S. I think I am going to have to live at the gym for the next 2 weeks work work off all the cake, fried food, and otherwise unhealthy crap I consumed this weekend. I feel bad for not staying on plan but it was "nice" per say to eat all the food I used to eat, it tasted really good going down LMAO.
  • So I have been completely on plan but I know that I will be starting my TOM very soon and feel extremely bloated! Just got out of work and am planning on relaxing for the rest of the night!!! Too bad no guys ask me on a date lol