High School Prom Dress Fits!

  • So, I am a high school English teacher and we're studying Transcendentalism-- Emerson, Thoreau, marching to the beat of your own drummer, etc. So, today my class participated in a Transcendental Dress Day during which they had to dress in a way that was noticably different from their normal dress, and was significant somehow to their true self. As I was trying to plan my outfit, I found my high school prom dress in my front hall closet. For laughs, I decided to try it on. NOT ONLY did it fit, but it was, in fact, too big! It's a 16! I could have easily gone down another size. I was so excited!!! I never paid any attention to my weight until I started losing, so I honestly have no idea how much I weighed in high school, but it had to be more than this! Hooray!
  • Congratulations! That must have been awesome!
    And I love the transcendental dress day idea - that sounds like a lot of fun. Did anyone of your students get into it?
  • That is one of the coolest things I have heard in a long time. What a neat idea!

    And congrats on turning your prom dress into a really expensive potato sack
  • Congratulations Rose! What a cool milestone! Now I'm am looking forward to fitting back into my old clothes as well
  • Oh wow! Grats on fitting it again
  • ooooooooh I wonder if mine fits.........
  • I wish I had mine I weighed about 120 then (many many moons ago), and I am so dang curious what size my body was. I mean I know what size clothes I wore, but that doesn't mean anything 20 years later. I didn't have the muscle then that I have now, so it's not anything I aspire to anymore, but it's the curiosity