Weekly Chat Jan 8 - 14

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  • Hey Ladies.
    How is everyone doing? Life is ok right now. Only 7 more days left until my finals are done and 9 until my surgery (again not that I’m counting). I don’t have much to report right now. Saturday I spent the entire day at the library with a friend and Sunday I went to the Lions game because one of my internship was being honored. I only stayed until half time because I had to go home and study. Today is another day of studying with my friend. Tomorrow is my first exam. I really feel as though I’m prepared now. So I think it should go great.

    How are the other students coping with finals?
  • I bet you can't wait until finals are over. I know I always dreaded finals but was always so glad when they were over. This weekend was so-so for me. I went to my hometown as I hosted a baby shower for my sister. I ate like a pig that whole day of the baby shower. We had so much food left over that we ate late until the night. TOM showed up on Sunday and I've felt miserable since. I am up 4 lbs and am feeling horrible about it. I just keep reminding myself that today is a new day and once again, I can start all over.

    I hope the rest of you had a great weekend!
  • RHTS: LOL! I'm soooooo happy it's not really January 8th. My vacation would be over. OMG! I can't wait to finally lose all of my weight so that I can get some surgery. I want a breast reduction and lift. These things are ridiculous. You'll be fine. My friend had a reduction a few years ago. She is still a DDD now. We always joke about how we have no idea what size she was prior to the surgery.

    My goal is to lose 10 lbs this week. Yeah I know, I was only able to take off 10 lbs last week because that was mostly water weight, but a girl can dream right? Ok, I'm aiming for 3 lbs.

    Why is it so hard for me to work out on Sundays? I just laze around all days knowing I should, but never get around to it. Almost made it last night, but then I got on the phone and well, that was that. But I will be on plan all week. That is a must. I get my hair done a few days before Christmas and then it's vacation...I plan to feel really cute.
  • RHTS: I feel ya girl, wooo finals are just about done for me though.

    I am so excited I am done with my Federal Tax class I just got done taking the final in there about 45 minutes ago. I really liked the class and I learned a ton even if my grade doesn't show it.

    I just have 2 more finals to go, and I have one in the bag and the other one I am going to have to work at to get a passing grade.

    I have my grad party pretty much planned out, but still stressed about. My family is coming into town friday for the graduation saturday its going to be such a busy weekend and people are going to be meeting each other for the first time. Scary........
  • Good morning chicas... I have to admit I saw the Jan instead of Dec and it threw me off! lol

    Can I just say my family is annoying me! My brother is coming from Texas to Arkansas and me from CA to AR. They would rather cater to my sister then to us that are coming out of town! It's not like I see them all the time or even know when I will see them again.... grrr.....

    I've been losing motivation which is silly b/c I lost 5 inches in one week. 50 inches and I'll get my hair cut. I have to really push myself to workout. It's cold out and I just don't feel motivated.
  • HWGA: you think it's cold? I thought you would have a higher tolerance for our 'cold' weather since you're from AR. I was actually complaining to my friend because it doesn't feel like winter has hit for me.
  • Cali- well I guess the main reason why I feel it's cold is b/c I'm too stubborn to buy a coat! I have coats in AR and why spend money on things I already have? So I've been walking around in short sleeves.... not too smart on my account. And I've never actually been outside and did exercise when it's below 50. This is for sure a first for me. There is something about the cold air in my lungs that gives me a little satisfaction.
  • Hello ladies. I, too, am in finals week. I have 3 finals left and the family will be here on Friday for graduation. I've got some friends coming in town too and staying until Saturday because our school is playing in the National Championship in Alabama and I can't go because of graduation/moving so they're gonna watch it with me. I have barely started packing, I'm not even sure if you can call what I've done packing, but I have 10 days before i move so hopefully I'll get my butt in gear.

    I've decided for the next month I'm on top of my WL like I'm on biggest loser. I don't have a whole lot going on so I'm committing to 90+ minutes in the gym everyday and strict calorie cycling. I'm hoping to at least be CLOSE to 160 by New Years.
  • I just might have an interview. I made it through the first phone screen, and he sounded quite positive about being scheduled for an interview but they cant promise so here's for crossing fingers. It is a very decent job, and he said that job growth opportunities are great and continuing edu is big with them. He said that he was going to write up some very glowing notes and that he was going to pass everything along to the hiring manager here in town. OMMMMMMGGGGGG!!!

    He said that reason they were doing phone screens was he wanted to make sure that people could converse over the phone and were genuinely interested. This would be a really great job for me. Its pretty much in town, and the pay is decent and its what I have been going to school for, for the past 5 years. EEEEEEKKKKK!!! I am really trying not to get excited about it but this one just feels more right than the other ones.
  • Hey ladies! I'm so disappointed the weekend is over already.

    RHTS: Lol, January? WTF happened? I must have missed the time warp.

    Cali: 10 lbs...how long is your hair? if you have alot you can just shave your head...that'll be about two or three lbs.

    HWGA: I live in alaska and I don't have a winter coat. I'm banking on global warming turning my island into a tropical paradise in the next few years so I'm saving my winter coat money for a new bikini wardrobe.

    As for me, I weighed in at 164 this morning making it official so now I can change my ticker. I also totally hooked up with my number 1 on saturday night! You know, the high school friend. it was fabulous. I haven't been able to wipe the grin off my face since. I think the next step is exclusivity...I could be a taken woman here soon...lmao!

    I didn't work out a single time this weekend. Well, aside for the bedroom romp. And I don't know if I'll make it this week either. My son has swimming lessions all week at school so the chances of him having the energy to swim twice a day is pretty slim. I may have to adjust me schedule, or go during my lunch hour this week.
  • ghost: I think I asked you on another thread but either you didn't answer or I didn't check back so I'll ask you again.. I see that you're getting dangerously close to 100 lbs lost. Are you doing anything special? Besides romping around in the bedroom of course

    bee: congrats lady! Thats exactly how I felt about my job after the phone interview. Its pretty sweet! Good luck I'm keepin my fingers crossed for you!

    ghost/hwga: i'm in Missouri and I own like 4 winter coats. Would you like one because I was totally thinking about selling them on craigslist just to get rid of them lol. I only wear the one my bf got me for my birthday this year, its the best coat I've ever owned!
  • My co-workers are planning a party for the big loss, I'm not supposed to know about it...so...shhhhh...lol!

    Other then that, just the fact that I've lost that much is special enough for me. I like to dance neked in front of my mirror, so I'll probably do that for a couple hours the day I weigh it at 160...lmao!
  • Kel- If I could fit into one of your coats that would put me into cloud 9... Our of curiousity, what size are they? I'm with you on buckling down. I have little under two weeks until I see the family and I've lost my motivation.

    Ghost- you are funny! Um how you gonna live in AK and not have a winter coat? That's cool that you had a good time with boy #1.
  • Ghost: you are insane! I hear...LOL!...yeah, that kind of activity burns a lot of calories. I chopped my hair off a couple of years ago...very 'waiting to exhale'...been growing it out every since...I wear braids because I'm too lazy to actually work on a style.

    Ghost/HWGA/Kelli: Yeah, out here, we don't really own winter coats. We have sweat shirts. I think you're more likely to have a heavy coat if you take public transport. I never wear a coat (sweatshirt) unless I'm out at night, and that's not even a guarantee. I have a car for a reason.

    Bee20: Good luck! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you.
  • ghost: I won't tell anyone! Thats cool though.. I'd probably feel the same as you. What better way to celebrate losing 100 lbs than to just feel great in your own skin!

    HWGA: coat #1 is from kohls, its a "activewear" type coat thats green and white and a large. coat #2 is that soft fuzzy leather type with the fluffy white stuff on in the inside. I'm really bad about describing it lol but I think? its a large too, I couldn't find the size. Coat 3 and 4 must be packed up somewhere. Kinda like this one just not as long: http://leathersupreme.com/leather/shearling-coat.jpg

    Cali: My bf is from San Diego, he didn't have "warm" clothes until he came to school here. His parents were hilarious they bought him tons of long underwear outfits and stuff lol. I was there last year for New Years and wore a halter dress without a jacket.. and we were walking around downtown! I would love that weather year-round.