Embarrassing, but motivating...

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  • I am a LITTLE embarrassed, but this is seriously one thing that motivates me. You know that clip of Ryan Gosling (LOVE HIM!) and Rachel McAdams at the MTV awards where they got the award for the best kiss?

    here's the URL to see it on youtube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTLDLWhgV1c

    Well, sometimes when I'm lacking motivation I watch that because it reminds me how I want to be thin and light enough that my husband can even LIFT me like that for a d*mn hot kiss! HAHAHA

    So I know thats a little embarrassing... but I'm sure I'm not the only one with that secret little motivator... so SPILL!
  • My motivator is just like that. I want my boyfriend to lift me into his arms and spin me around in a field of flowers !!!!! So embarrassing!!!

    I'm trying to hit goal by January 2010, my boyfriend and I will be in Ireland for our 2 year anniversary, if there ever was a place to lift me and spin me in a field of flowers, that would be it!!!
  • My secret motivator is that I want to be able to sit on my boyfriends lap and not feel like I'm killing him. I also would love to be able to be picked up for a kiss. Oh I also want to shop at Victoria Secrets. I hate walking in the store and having everyone know that I can't fit into their clothes so I must be heading over to the lotions and body spray section. I'm such a cheesy person...and I love it! Oh I forgot one more...I wanna sit down on the floor and be able to hug my knees up to my chest....ok that is REALLY cheesy...hehe.
  • My bf and I have been together for nearly 3 years now (anniversary in early Feb.) and all I can think about is (him proposing) wanting him to be able to pick me up *easily* and carry my down the aisle (think wedding day) and up stairs, over mountains, well...you get the idea!!! Right now he weights less than I do. We are almost the same height and i feel like a chubster next to him. BUT I SHALL CONQUER THIS!!! ok, yeah, basically, i wanna be picked up too. lol.
  • I want to be picked up by Ryan Gosling...
    HAHA Just kidding, but really, I wouldn't say no. He's hot.

    Anyway you girls are all so cute- isn't it funny the things our weight holds us back from? That's even more motivation to get rid of it! In the mean time, as we lose, we have to find things we CAN do that are just as awesome, because I think it's important to be happy at any weight, but truly when my hubby can lift me like that I think I'll be in heaven. I want to be light as a feather! hahahaha!
  • I know what you mean. I would love my boyfriend to be able to pick me up carry me around (and not just in the pool either) or me be able to sit in his lap and my butt not take up the whole space and me squishing him.

    However, for the first time this past weekend he was able put his arms around my waist and clasp his hands comfortably. OMG it was such a great feeling.
  • I think that is an awesome motivator. I think the thought of my husband picking me up against the wall is great visual motivation...lol. I out weigh him and I hate it, pulse he is taller and more muscular than me. I WANNA BE PICKED UP
  • I would wager that this is the best thread like ever!!! lol. Also, loved watching the youtube clip! Don't tell my bf!
  • Quote: . I think the thought of my husband picking me up against the wall is great visual motivation...lol.

    WHEW! Girls, things are gettin' HOT in here! But yeah, the visual of that is pretty motivating alright. (that's me)

    I cannot imagine my hubby picking me up the way you see couples do it on TV. That would be nice. I still kill his legs when I sit in his lap.
  • OOOH! I cannot wait until my hubby can pick me up without straining his back. I also can't wait until he can put his arms ALL the way around me. Oh, the day...
  • Thighs Be Gone : HAHAH Girl you cracked me up just now

    And YES this is the best thread ever, lol
  • I can't wait now!!!

    Brandy I am so there with you!! I wanna sit on my boyfriends' lap without killing him, and to walk into one of those "average" weight clothes shops!!!
  • My husband is a lot older than me. I secretly want all his friends and co-workers to be SO ridiculously jealous of him. HA HA!
    My secret motivator is also from a movie based a Nicholas Sparks novel though! Seriously! It's been in my head for years. Ever see Message in a Bottle. There's an early scene where Theresa Osborne played by Robert Wright Penn goes for a run along the beach and finds the message in the bottle that leads her to Garrett Blake. I also thought...wow...How awesome it would be to be fit enough to run along the beach. Maybe I'd find something that romantic too. Romance + fit people = great mental image.
  • ha this is a great thread! Speaking of ryan gosling do you guys remeber that show he was on callled "breaker high"? none of my friends remeber it!

    well back to the main theme of the thread...i first met my bf when i started a job at this warehouse, mow the guy grl ration there was like 10:1 if not more, and it was a warehouse, and i was only 130 pounds then, and being the new girl, it was like hight school, tons of guys wanting to know your story ya know? well i deided i liked the gy im dating now and the rest is history, i want him to feel like he won something again i guess...now when we go out chicks hit on him right in front of me, like i must be just a friend or something, sorry that was kinda ramble
  • Quote: if there ever was a place to lift me and spin me in a field of flowers, that would be it!!!
    Ha ha I don't know about that I'll plant a field of flowers for you before you get here