Looking for some weight loss buddies=)

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  • Well.. The last time I logged onto this site was over a year ago. I have gained a lot of weight since then. I found that when I did use this site, the pounds began melting off.

    I'm 23yrs old. I'm married, got a degree, good job. Now I need the right body and self esteem to go with it!

    I'm looking for a buddy to keep me focused & on track and Vice Versa. If interested, send me a message.

    Thanks and Good luck to everyone!
  • hello, and welcome back! I'll be a buddy
  • Thanks HVEECK! I see you've lost a lot of weight already!! What has been your diet plan so far?
  • I will be a buddy too. I am just starting all over again. What a bummer. I gained back the 30 lbs I lost last year.
  • Hi Janis! I usually do the same thing. I'll lose twenty pounds and then put it back on. I really feel like I can't "diet" this time. I need to make a whole lifestyle change. I got my husband to start our lifestyle change together today. I actually got on the scale in front of him to get our starting weights. I think I'm crazy. But, I think he's even crazier to not care about my weight. We just want to get healthy. That's the most important thing.

    Whats your plan for losing weight this time around?
  • Hi neesy! well, I basically started with counting calories and being more active. walking mostly. Then it progressed into focusing more on healthy foods, mainly superfoods like salmon, vegies, fruit, eating the good fat, cutting out most red meat, and really limiting my junk food and fast food. I have totally re arranged the way I eat. I give myself one treat meal a week to help me feel like Im not being deprived and Ive joined a gym and work out 4 or 5 times a week. good luck with your weight loss. you can do this
  • Thanks=) I know I have the willpower. It's just always difficult at first. I just have to stay focused. I'm not starting off extreme, otherwise I know I won't last long, but I am limiting my temptations and making it easier on myself. I went grocery shopping and got all healthy meals. I'm not going to eat out or drink pop.. that's my weakness. I also renewed my gym membership today. I didn't realize how long it's been since I went. The crazy thing is that once I go I get addicted to it and love it. It gives me more energy. I feel good about it this time. Thanks for your support
  • Hi Nessy and Heveek, I was on the Atkins plan, but I has a gallbadder attack and that was scary. So now it is just some common sense. Lots and lots of veggies, egg whites, fish, chicken. I have a ellipical machine and finally got on that today, hope to make it a daily habit. I would love to go back to the gym, but no funds right now amd DH doesnt want to pay, because I have never stuck with it. I have been hinting about a Wii fir, but no go on that either.
    I have a husband that doesnt believe in eating healthly ( he is thin) and a daughter that just doest care about her weight (she should though). So I have to make a full course meal for them and I eat my own stuff. There is ic e cream, candy, chips in the house and that really makes it hard, but I have been reading lots of post on this site and it helps alot with the will power. I especially love the before and after photos. The stories are a big inspiration for me. Well, hope we can do this thing together and stay strong!
  • Wow Janis, you have to have a lot of will power. Just keep it up!

    This has been my first week of dieting again. I lost 6 pounds so far.. but I'm sure its just water weight. How long do you think it takes before you start losing ACTUAL weight?
  • Hi Neesy
    I am also a returning chick. I havent been on this site since like August. But, after gaining 5 pounds (i am very surpised it isnt more), I decided to come back. I started going back to the gym last week, and have been fairly consistent, plus I am a huge calorie counter. So, hopefully I will start seeing some lbs lost
  • Hi Kiss. I'm a calorie counter too. I've only been back on my diet for about a week now. I just got my gym membership renewed and I'm going back for the first time tomorrow morning. I use to jog/run 4-5 miles on the treadmill almost every day. I know that I'll probably get winded pretty quickly when I go tomorrow. I'm so out of shape. I really enjoy going once I get into the routine though. I just have to stick with my plan. I'll get there eventually and so will you!
  • I want to be a buddy!!! I've tried WW in the past but I'm thinking this calorie-counting thing sounds good...but I think I would eat mainly empty calories? No nutrient-dense foods...because I'm a junkie. What is a good number of calories to shoot for daily? I'm at 219....gah.
  • OH! I just saw your from OHIO! Go Bearcats right?
  • Hi Lindzy! I'm a former bearcat=) Where's jackson, ohio? Glad to have you here!

    I usually get about 1200 calories a day. But i'm not going to be so strick on myself this time around. I'm not counting every single thing I eat. It's more of an estimate. As long as I don't eat out, drink more water, eat more lean meats/veggies.. I'll be okay. WW didn't work out for you? I was thinking about trying it. I'm getting mixed reviews though
  • Jackson is probably around 3 hours south of Cincinatti close to the Ohio River.

    WW works if you stick to it definitely but I hated counted everything I ate and trying to figure out how many points it was worth....espescially eating out. I like your idea of estimating as long as your eating healthy things...it seems reasonable and a LONG-TERM thing...because I am certainly not paying for WW for the rest of my life...