Not really a newbie....

  • So I'm back...and thoroughly disgusted with myself. I had lost some weight (not much, but some) while on here before, and then life got in the way, and I'm heavier than ever. I just did my first measurements in more than a year Not good. I'm feeling really gross at the moment.

    But, I've decided that I can do better, and that the only thing stopping me is me. I live hours from family now, on my own, so there's no excuse for not eating right, and all the other things that I've used as an excuse up until now.

    I will be skinny! I will lose this weight and feel better!

    And I'm trying to be more forceful with myself...hence this introduction. I've been on a long time, but never introduced myself. Lots easier to sneak out the back door if no one knows you were here!

    So - I am a technology Education teacher in a very small town in Virginia. I just moved here to teach in August, and I love the place, the kids, and my job. Living in the middle of nowhere is good for the most part... the driving a million miles for anything kind of stinks, but I'm getting used to it.

    I am looking forward to seeing you all around!
