Menu/Accountability/Planning 12/1--12/7

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  • Need a place to post your menu, some accountability, some support? Then this is the place for you! Come on over!!

    Let's try this again....I left the dates out of the last title...sorry!
  • Good Morning! I cannot believe it is December 1st already!

    I had a horrible time getting to sleep last night (I was much too lazy yesterday!), so I didn't get up to do a watp dvd this morning. I am going to the gym, though. I WILL get up to do a watp dvd tomorrow am.

    Have a great OP day!
  • I hope it's okay if I join in. The whole month of November was a real struggle for me so I'm trying to make a fresh start today. Back to eating properly, getting all my water in and doing my exercise.

    MJ5, I hope you sleep better tonight! Good job on going to the gym even though you're probably sleepy!
  • Tai--Welcome!!! What are you doing for exercise? Thanks, I hope I sleep better tonight too. I am going to the gym, gotta keep that routine going!

    Tonight's plan for the gym is weights (arms/shoulders) and cardio.

    I am making a chicken stir fry for dinner. Yum!
  • Hellllllloooooooo......Wow, it's quiet today! Hope everyone is ok!

    I changed my workout plan--I ended up doing legs/back and cardio. I feel SO good! My knee is sore (what else is new?!), I just took some ibuprofen and have ice on my knee.

    It will be an early to bed night for me, hopefully I will do some watp tomorrow am.
  • Hi folks....sorry I've been MIA yesterday. My internet wasn't working.

    Well - I've been struggling - but, not giving up. I am going to push thru today, even if it means going to bed at 9pm.

    I think the PT on my pieces and parts is helping a little bit. I'll know more in a few weeks.

    breakfast - egg white scramble, ketchup, pnb toast, apple
    lunch - quinoa with veggies, tuna salad
    snack - 1/2 banana, toast
    dinner - french toast, sf syrup, boca bacon
    snack - oatmeal, fruit, milk

    Welcome Tai - so glad you posted.

    Hi MJ - you are the 'rock' of this thread.!!! Sorry your knee is kickin'. Good for you to keep exercising!!! Carry on.

    Everyone have a great day.
  • Good morning, Ladies.

    Tai -

    MJ - Rock on, girlfriend!

    Beverly - I'm sorry to hear that you've also been struggling. I hope you find your groove soon. Hang tough!

    Last week, I was on vacation and living it up! Well, my scales lived it up, too, and rewarded me with a 4 pound gain! This week, I'm back to work and kicked off the week with an 8 hour call with the auditor and I'm back on the phone for another 8 hours with the auditor today. Last evening was the Investisture ceremony for my daughter's induction into Brownies. Things have been kinda stressful with health issues, money issues, work issues, etc, and I've not been handling everything with grace. I'm hoping to finish out the year with at least a small loss. It looks like mandatory exercise and planning meals are gonna be the key. Sometime in February, I might be flying to Tampa for a work team meeting and will be meeting my boss and co-workers face-to-face for the very first time. It would be nice to look thinner before then.

    Have a great on-plan day.
  • Hi everyone!

    I forgot dh had to be at work the same time as me this am, so I didn't do any watp dvd this am...can't have him watching me workout!!! I WILL get up and do a dvd tomorrow!

    Tonight's plan is arms/shoulders and cardio at the gym.

    Still stressing about my ortho appt on Thurs, but there is nothing I can do about it, until I see the least that's what I keep trying to remind myself!

    Beverlyjoy--Keep at it, you can do it!!! So glad to hear the PT is helping, every little bit helps!

    Rhonda--Wow, those phone calls do NOT sound like fun! You know what you need to do and I know you CAN do it!

    Gotta get back to work. Have a great OP day everyone!
  • Hi chicks! thanks for getting things started mj, and keeping them going on your own! Hope you got some good rest last night. I came by yesterday but it was just when you had closed the other thread and I never did get back to post.

    I did alright yesterday, at least I did not eat any "forbidden" foods. I've got the kitchen pretty well cleared of all the temptations. I am focusing more this week on doing a Phase I detox and getting rid of my cravings again, rather than worrying about portions or weight loss. I find once I get rid of the cravings, everything falls into place.
    Here's today's plan:
    B: scrambled eggs, breakfast ham, coffee with milk
    S: lowfat cheese, raw carrots and celery, tomato juice
    L: Italian eggplant casserole, green salad
    S: skim latte, sugar free jello
    D: butternut squash soup, mahi-mahi, green salad
    S: nonfat yogurt with toasted almonds

    Hope all the American chicks had a very nice holiday!

    Hmmm, that was weird. My keyboard decided to quit working and I had to reboot. I have been death on computers this week. DH is at this moment trying to get some malware off of my laptop.
    Rhonda, that is a good goal incentive!
    Have a great, on-plan day today Beverlyjoy!
    Welcome Tai!
  • Hi again...thanks so much for your support everyone!

    BTW - Schmoodle and Rhonda, I cooked quinoa last night - I fixed it like a pilaf. DH liked it and so did I. It has a interesting texture. I would have never tried it, if not for you two!
  • Hi again...this must be the week for new foods! I (finally) made spaghetti squash for the first time. Oh my, I LOVE it!! So sorry I didn't make it sooner! I bought one once, then didn't cook it soon enough and it spoiled....

    I am going to buy one again this week when I get groceries!

    Schmoodle--Sorry about the closed thread! I forgot the dates in the title and didn't want to confuse anyone! Good for you for getting those cravings under control! One of the girls that works for me is pg and is craving chocolate--she has a "candy drawer" yes, I said drawer. Luckily, it is far away from me!

    I am just about ready to head to the gym.

    Have a great OP night! We have enough leftover chicken stirfry, so no cooking for me tonight!
  • Well, I need some accountability and support, so hope you don't mind if I join you.

    I love spaghetti squash. I have some Quinoa (sp?), but it has been sitting in my cupboard forever because I don't know how to cook it.

    Here is my day:
    breakfast pita with peanut butter
    canteloupe chunks
    Hamburger Helper leftovers
    Salted Nut Roll

    A co-worker brought them from the U.S. because we don't get them where we live. There are four more, so I will give one to DH and the rest are going in the freezer. On a positive note, my boss brought in pastries this afternoon and I didn't have any. Just said I had too much work to do and stayed at my desk.
  • Hi everyone! I did my planned workout at the gym tonight. It was just me and the 'muscle guys' in the weight room. I got some winks, nods, and smiles from a couple of guys I see there all the time, I'm taking that as a 'muscle guy' sign of acceptance into "their" room.

    Today makes 5 days OP! It feel so good to get back on track, although I am VERY much aware of how easy it is to fall off track again. Thank goodness for each of you....we can keep each other going!

    Gotta go watch Biggest Loser! It's makeover time!
  • Judy Lynn--We must have been posting at the same time. Welcome!!!
  • Hello!! Last week I slacked off on my exercise and ate too much pumpkin pie. Today I got back on the horse and made it 20 minutes on the treadmill. Eating was better today. PLAN:
    Walk 30 minutes wed-sunday
    Only snack on fat free foods. (yogurt, fat free pudding, veggies)
    NO SODA NO TEAS ( calories I let sneak past me)

    Its not alot, but its a start.