Smart Balance VS Country Crock

  • So I'm waiting for my whole wheat toast to be done this morning and I decided to read the label on the Country Crock tub. Now I've been using Smart Balance since I started WW. Well, it has the same calories, fat and yet Less saturated fat. Um hello, I'm not buying the SB any more then.

    Unless someone has a good reason to continue.
  • I actually use a product called Smart Squeeze--5 calories!
  • country crock uses partially hydrogenated oils, and smart balance doesn't, so that's the one i use. JMO
  • I use Smart Balance Light, but only because I need a margarine that has no dairy or soybeans (though the soybean oil & soy lecithin is fine, doesn't trigger a reaction).
  • I think over all for health purposes the Smart Balance is better for you and your heart....
  • I use the Country Crock Light! But I use to use Smart Balance. I guess I am not concerned about that low a number of partially hydrogenated oils. The price was a big difference.
  • I use the SB light with omegas. The omegas are the reason I go for SB.