HAWT Biker Chicks - (aka Chicks on Motorcycles)

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  • Hey chickies -

    Time to start a new thread - here's a link to the old one.

    For any newcomers - this thread is open to anyone (even dudes ) who enjoys riding anything with two or three wheels and is working on a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm off for a bicycle ride with DH this morning - dunno why I woke up so early on a Sunday - but I'm up and I may as well use it.
  • Thanks Gina for starting new thread I couldn't get if figured out

    Holly house cleaning is exercise in itself as well. I will be trying to get some of that done today as well! It is time to put summer clothes away and dig out winter clothes

    I won't give up my hair salon visits either, I have thought about highlights at home but then think nope I work my butt off and I deserve it.....

    Gina how was the bike ride this morning?

    Hi to Sass, MotoMichelle, Jill (how was your trip are you home yet?)
  • good morning!

    confession time! I had sugary cakey stuff yesterday. There. It's out. I shall do better!

    Thanks for starting the new thread Gina! (and Meg). I like our new title

    I'm sitting in front of my glowy therapy light right now. It didn;t help me get out of bed on time this morning, though. Guess I have to take some responsibility for myself

    I work today, have off tomorrow; work Wednesday, have off Thursday; work Friday, have off Saturday. Weird! Wish my three days off could be together. oh well.

    Hi to everyone and have an exercise-y, good food-y Monday
  • Good Monday Morning!!!

    Holly weird schedule but ya agree it is nice having a least 2 days off in a row I am hoping to only have a 3 day work week this week and so far looking good
    Yesterday I was good OP then boom I ate a couple of the little powedered donuts - and as for exercise well no real exercise but I was cleaning house and broke down and put summer clothes away and brought out all the winter clothes darn it!!!

    Well today is already going to go better so putting my chin up HIGH and staying OP already have lunch bag packed with, fiber one bar, apple, and turkey chili(homemade no beans only ground turkey, low sodium tomato juice and chili seasoning) I know I am weird but just don't like beans!!

    Not sure about supper yet but I will probably make chicken fajitas that way I can have a salad tonight.

    Well better get going -Have a Great, Super Day!
  • Good Morning Everyone. I've been sooo busy this weekend that I didn't get on here at all.

    Thanks for all the welcomes!!!

    Vermont - Yes he is my son and he is 2 today. Not sure what kind of motorcylce I want to get. I think I will just have to look around to see what fits me good.

    Cickinthehat - I wish I was tall, it would probably be easier to find a bike for me.

    So this weekend was crazy for me. I had my son's 2nd birthday party on Saturday and was cooking and cleaning on Friday and Saturday. I didn't eat much either of those days till the evenings. Which I know isn't good. I didn't workout till yesterday, so I kind of feel crapy about that. So today will hopefully be better. Have a great day everyone!
  • Hey chicks Our VCR is on it's last legs, I've been having to cram the tapes into it and furiously pushing playplayplayplayplay to trick it into playing..but today no go!! and I have over 2 dozen video tapes...bUt I did find two Cathe DVD's that have been gathering dust since someone gave them to me in maybe 2002??

    so I used my son's directions how to work the DVD (yeah, I'm a dinosaur) and boy, is her choreography confusing but I subbed when I had to, and got a totally sweaty step workout, then there was chest work with weights - she used a barbell, I only have dumbells but I used them.

    I think Santa can find us a cheap VCR for Christmas, but I will use these also. It's good for me to have a workout change, I was getting so used to the other tapes.

    happy belated birthday to that cute little boy, scarahjs! Yay to Reda for packing a good lunch
  • Good morning, everyone!

    Well, the motorcycle show on Friday was a lot of fun. My DH and I sat on a lot of bikes and cruised a bunch of vendors. We didn't end up buying anything but did enjoy ourselves. DH found another bike that is on his "short list" for replacing what he has now.

    Holly/Reda - Don't worry I'm with you guys! This weekend was my birthday weekend and I ate like crazy. Even had cake yesterday. The scale showed a 2lb gain this morning. Oh well all I can do is carry on and get back on track!

    You guys have a great Monday. Thank god it's a short week. hehe
  • MotoMichelle, I guess it would be belated but still hope it was good for you!!! Glad the show went well and it is always nice to have everyone together so that you can see the differences with all bikes in one big room.

    Well I ate my 1.5 cup of chili today and was still hungry so I had a 6 inch sub and also ended up working late so had a 6 inch sub for super as well. So still didn't do to bad but no exercise of which I should be doing instead of being online but my feet hurt from being on them again 10 hours today so resting them right now....

    Holly I haven't seen a VCR for a long time. We only have DVD's now. But this summer when I was cleaning the room upstairs I had 3 rubbermaid totes full of VCR tapes but since I don't have a player I took them to our local Goodwill store.

    Scarahjs your son is so adorable and only 2 years old make sure to tell him

    Well 2 more days of work this week then off for 4- YEAH!!!!
  • Thanks, Reda!

    I can't imagine being on my feet for 10 hours. Ouch! Hope you get some rest soon!
  • dear MotoMichelle - Happy Belated Birthday!

    I hit the ground running this morning! first shoveled snow (yeah ) then a Cathe workout (dam, she is kicking my butt!!! I mean my cardiovascular system) then gathered laundry; took son to job; did errands; came back, and am now online for the first time today, and getting my Light Therapy done too.

    oh yeah I also stuffed a 20 pound turkey and got it in the oven by 9:30. NO, we're not having anyone over, my husband just likes turkey

    have a good one everybody!
  • Thanks, Holly!

    I may not be around much for the rest of the week/weekend, so I wanted to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Good Afternoon Everyone!!

    I was sick yesterday and still not feeling the best. I'm hoping to workout by tomorrow or Friday. I'm sure I wont be on all weekend since I will bu busy. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

    Vermont - I still have a VCR that I use once in a while at my house. I'm sure they still sell them somewhere. Good Luck!!
  • Duh! No wonder I wasn't getting any new messages from the MC...bleh! I won't be able to catch up with everyone until after the holidays.

    Quickly...I decided to take the course this Spring because right now it's way too cold to be out there riding. The 22nd all through the weekend was COLD AS ****.

  • sorry to hear you were sick, scarahjs. and Hi Sass!

    gosh, I hadn't thought that maybe VCRs were antiques by now

    I did another Cathe workout this morning. OMG!!! 10 minutes of cardio, then immediately 2 -ish minutes of weights. Then back to 10 minutes of cardio, then to weights again. I got to the FIFTH session of cardio and looked at the clock and said , I gotta get ready for work soon!! I don't know how much longer it would have gone on. And I hadn't even done any ab work yet. So I did about 10 minutes of ab work and called it done.

    Sounds really great except I've been eating BAD stuff!

    We're going to friends' for T-day tomorrow, really looking forward to it. Of course they're biking friends

    Hi to everyone else!

    have a good night!
  • Morning chickies!!

    I'm so psyched - I ran a whole 5K this morning without stopping to walk. It wasn't exactly record breaking time - 34:19...but hey it was my first 5K.

    Holly - VCR's are antiques already...but mine still works. I even know how to program it.

    Sass - I prolly shoulda PM'ed y'all when I did the new thread. My bad. Glad ya found us, tho.

    Scarahjs - hope you are feeling better!!!

    Michelle - sounds like you had a fun B-Day!! Happy Belated. Carb overloading always shows the next day on the scale for me. It's probably water weight...

    Reda - Finally some well earned time off for you. ENJOY!!!