what's your "ESSENTIALS" shopping list??

  • Hey all--- my house is empty of anything I really need to live (instead of saying I live) a HEALTHY lifestyle. I must begin making my own meals or I'll never get out of it (diet or money-wise). I've been hoping to make my own soups, sandwiches, and "cakes" using tuna/salmon/other fish/ground turkey.... but I have no idea what spices to buy for these things! Or any other "mix in" ingredients.

    Can you all please help me by making a shopping list of ESSENTIALS to keep in my home... to easily make my own meals?

    I'm going grocery shopping after work tonight, so I'll be printing your lists out and using it! thanks!
  • Good for you!!!

    I've been trying to mainly shop the perimeter of the grocery store lately. I ALWAYS buy Romaine lettuce, onions, apples, pears, berries, bananas, boneless skinless chicken, eggs, skim milk, Yoplait light thick & creamy yogurt, Tropicana light WW OJ, light shredded cheese, Aunt Millie's Fiber For Life Bread, Quaker hot cereal, canned tuna, marinara sauce, whole wheat pasta...

    I buy a LOT of chicken. I have started getting the big frozen bags of it but you have to be careful because some companies use nitrates in their frozen chicken. I try to plan at least 2 meals around grilled chicken every week and I make extra to bring with me to work the following day. I used to buy a lot of Lean Cuisines but they never filled me up. If you can sit down and try to think of what you'd like to make for the week ahead of time, it really helps! We use chicken for everything- stir fry, pastas, soft tacos, burritos... marinated with veggies...

    When we made chicken burritos last week, I refrigerated the extra chicken, corn, brown rice, FF black beans, and salsa... then for 2 days at lunch I mixed it all together w/o a shell! So yummy!

    Tuna is good with light mayo and mustard over Romaine lettuce. You can mix it with other veggies too (cucumbers, onions, tomatoes...)

    Viniagarette doubles as a salad dressing and marinade! Newman's Light is good!

    You can never go wrong with garlic (in my opinion) and EVOO!

    Good luck!