Should I or shouldn't I say something

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  • Ok, here's something that is bothering me and I don't know if I should say anything to anybody or just mind my own business:

    A dad has been picking his 4th grader up at school in the afternoon on a dirt bike with no helmets and a younger child riding in front of him. The 4th grader rides behind him.
    We have helmet laws in our state. When he leaves, he goes back out the entrance way-against traffic.

    I fear for the safety of the children, but I don't want to get anyone in trouble.

    I feel he's breaking the law on several levels- no helmets, dirt bike on roads, driving out the entrance.

    What would you do?
  • I'd probably confront the Father first, and nicely remind him about the helmit law. Then take it from there.
  • are you staff at the school or another parent? in either case i would probably mention it to the principal if you have no involvement with the family. i would think that with many laws being broken and for the safety of the two children involved this is a matter that needs to be addressed.
  • I just have a few things to add to the good advice already given here. First, without knowing this dad's situation it is possible that the dad has lost his drivers license and is picking up his children in the only legal method for him. My dh's had a coworker lost his license for doing dumb stuff and won't get it back until 2010. I know he has a 6 year old and struggles to find ways to do the things that dads need to do when there is no public transportation in our town.

    Secondly, imho and generally speaking (Dad's don't get offended) Dad's tend to be less worried about safety. I can almost hear my dh say I didn't need a helmet when I was little, why should my kid need one. Or, this makes me a cool dad.

    If you're really want to get involved, I might try to find out more about this situation and see if the dad needs help because he's doing the best he can, or if he just needs to be reminded about how dangerous he is being and let the principal handle the situation from there.
  • I don't really know the dad, I just recognize the child because my daughter's in the same grade.
    I'm just a parent at the school, not on staff.
    If he lost his driver's license, there is school bus service available.

    If something happened to the kids, I'd really feel bad for not saying anything,
    but if he got into trouble with DHS/CPS or something, I'd feel really bad too
  • I think you have to say something. I know I'd be worried just like you are. Yes, you might get the dad in trouble but the alternative is much worse. Think of it that way. I am really really afraid of confrontation so I can't offer much advice...maybe you can "ask" if he lost his helmet, or say something like you heard they're cracking down on helmet use in the area or something, or like others said, bring it up with the principal. They're trained for this sort of thing.
  • I would definitely take this matter to the principal of the school. This father is being negligent and showing a bad example to his children, not to mention putting their lives in danger. There is no excuse for that.
  • I would alert the Principal and let the school handle it. I wouldn't go to the dad because that may cause some problems.
  • I would also go to the principal. If he is breaking the helmet law on school property and there is an accident the school could be included in the liability, like a bartender who lets a drunk person drive home who then causes an accident. They definitely need to know.
  • For sure talk to the principal or even your child's teacher. Most schools have rules about these kinds of things!
  • Yep. The principal. Perhaps the parent of the other kid that rides on the bike.

    What would he do if he drove up and there was a cop sitting there? Maybe walk the bike with both kids sitting on it?
  • Is there not a teacher standing outside making sure the kids are getting picked up safely? When I picked up my neice from school I always see a teacher "monitoring" outside the school? Maybe she is someone you can point this out to w/o getting law enforcement or the principal involved?
  • Quote: I just have a few things to add to the good advice already given here. First, without knowing this dad's situation it is possible that the dad has lost his drivers license and is picking up his children in the only legal method for him.
    Except ... it's not legal, in more than one way.

    Personally, I find taking two young children, without helmets, on a motorcycle, one hanging onto you, and you hanging on to the other, while you have to choose between pay attention to driving and paying attention to them, and against traffic, is pretty horrifying.
  • Quote: Is there not a teacher standing outside making sure the kids are getting picked up safely? When I picked up my neice from school I always see a teacher "monitoring" outside the school? Maybe she is someone you can point this out to w/o getting law enforcement or the principal involved?

    Well, he drives the dirt bike around the side/back of the school and then comes back out that way. I think he's parking it, walking around to the front and getting his child and then walking back to the dirt bike and driving away.
    So, I don't think anyone at the school really sees it.

    I'm going to email the principal right now.
    Thanks for all of the advice.
  • I think some of the gals think the dirt bike was a bicycle....

    I'd call the cops! A child's life is worth way more than being nosey!