peanut butter has become irresistible

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  • HELP! I'm going to have to stop buying it, but I keep saying that then buying it again!
    I know it's good for me, but it's not so good when I can't stop eating it. I'm afraid to cut it out completely because I feel like it's providing me with some good fat that I'm sure I need. I've started incorporating some ground flax seed into my diet, so hopefully if I stop w/the peanut butter, I'll be ok. I might just have to toss the remainder of the jar into the trash (ruined w/something of course). LOL
    Anyone else have peanut butter issues? I don't know what happened. I used to have control over it, now it controls me. (I'm so ashamed....)
  • Hey lipidful. I love PB too. A while back someone here posted about (I think) powdered PB that was pretty good and (I think) 50 calories. Maybe someone here can recall that post.

    I find there are certain foods that help me curb my cravings. I think a small amount PB is actually one of those foods. By the way, the other foods that help me are a serving of quality black olives, 15 almonds OR 1 square of dark chocolate. I usually eat one or two of these things every day.
  • I'm like Thighs Be Gone...something with peanut butter is WAY more likely to curb my cravings than things without. Just now, as a snack, I ate a rice cake with half a tablespoon of peanut butter on it.

    But at the same time...eating TOO much in a day isn't good because it takes away from the other good things you could be eating. Maybe portion it out into smaller containers, so there's only a limited amount you can have? That'll especially work if you get to snack at work (like I do). Just take the little container with you to work to eat with one of your snacks, like apples or whatever. It'll satisfy the craving but you won't go overboard...
  • I love PB too! I used to keep it in my desk and work and I would spread it over just about anything for a snack (rice cakes, apples, crackers, umm a spoon...) but I quit doing this because I also realized I didn't have much control with it! Now I keep it at home and have learned to only have 1 tbsp. a day. It's especially satisfying when mixed with oatmeal and skim milk or together with a banana for a sandwich. Yum! If you can't change the availability of it, I would also recommend you get rid of it. My WW leader has said countless times that if it's a trigger food for you and you can't control yourself with it, you should just not even touch it. The powdered stuff sounds interesting although I wonder just how many additional ingredients it has...!? If it's just dehydrated, that might be nice!
  • Yup - I have a P.B addiction too!.
    I have now limited myself to eating it ONCE a day on a slice of bread. Only ONCE.
    I've been pretty good about this.
  • I don't have the addiction but I do eat a serving of pb most days, either with breakfast, a snack, or with lunch.

    I'd say if it's a trigger food for you, then get rid of it. You can always try it again later when you feel you've gotten your cravings under control.

    And you can get healthy fats plenty of other ways. Flax seed is good, olive oil, a serving of salmon or tuna, an avocado ... there are tons of other options for getting those healthy fats other than pb.

  • I cannot have peanut butter in my house. I have no control. None.
  • What kind of peanut butter are you addicted to?
  • As long as it says peanut butter on the jar , that's enough! creamy, crunchy, Skippy, Jif makes no differance.
  • For me, if I start craving peanut butter, it's usually related to being too restrictive in my diet. In the middle of the afternoon, if i have weird cravings to just go stick a spoon in the jar and I review the day or the past week, it's usually a week where I've eaten low calories and low fat counts. It seems like my body likes peanut butter because it's a perfect quick, high energy fix -healthy fats, lots of calories.

    You mentioned worrying you weren't eating enough healthy fats - sounds like a DING DING DING to me. Flaxseed is good, avocado is good, salmon and eating salads with a low fat (not fat free) dressing. If you can make your own healthy dressing with a high quality oil and use a measured portion that would be great. You can also try to sprinkle a few nuts on salad.
  • I ask because I love PB too so I had to do away with the Skippy and go with a natural peanut butter like Smart Balance and Smucker's Natural. Less surgar and less sodium. If you're not used to the oils parting, just mix it up and take two TBS of it. It's totally different than regular PB, but you'll get used to it fast and then you won't even want to go back to regular's what happened to me.
  • You might also try something like almond butter which may not have the same effect.

    I can't eat peanut butter. I can have it in the house, but I just can't go there or else I know what'll happen.
  • PB2 is the powdered peanut butter. Heres the website.
  • To answer the question about what kind of PB it is-
    It's the regular, natural kind-just peanuts and salt.
    I've tried the powdered pb before-I do like it, but it's a pain to order it and wait for it and all that, but I just might order some. It's not as addictive and it has less fat etc. Hmmmm......thanks for reminding me of that.
    I do portion pb out by the tablespoon, but I keep going back for another tablespoon, then another tablespoon, then another...well, you get the picture!

    Oh, and as far as almond butter goes, PB was supposed to be the antidote for THAT addiction (LOL) Oh well...

    I don't know that I've been too restrictive either-I've been in "maintenance" for a couple of years, and I was doing fine-I could have Nutella like things in the house and everything, and have total control. I've gained back about 15 pounds and have been holding steady there for months, but can't seem to get back down to my lowest weight. Maybe my body is happy at around 150 and is being stubborn? I don't know. But it's weird that I seem to have been losing some control. Maybe boredom?

    Oh my goodness-I just looked and they now have chocolate pb2!!!
  • I just ordered more pb2! I almost forgot about that stuff! I actually ordered TWO 4 packs LOL
    So I'll be getting 4 of the chocolate one and 4 of the regular one. I do remember, it's not quite as addictive.
    WHY is pb so gosh darn gooooooood?