Chinese Food

  • Hi - I'm new to the forum and have enjoyed reading everyone's posts! Anyone in here know what to eat at a Chinese Restaurant and still stick to Atkins? I know rice is off limits but what can someone eat and still stay low carb??? Help

  • Hi and welcome.

    I am a Chinese Food Addict and a Carb Addict and have decided it's almost impossible to eat Chinese and stay Low Carb!

    Rice and noodles are obvious things to avoid but most other dishes have sugar and/or cornstarch in them. Hoisin sauces are sweetened. Veggie/meat stir-fried combos are not too bad but remember that egg rolls have flour in the wrappers. If there is a salad bar, you can make your self a salad but who the heck wants salad in a Chinese place!

    In my opinion, you are better to avoid Chinese when on Atkins. When I indulge, I usually gain 3-4 pounds overnight in water weight from the salt in the soy sauce and it takes a few days of heavy water intake to ditch that weight.

    I'm sure other chicks will have some suggestions. For me, I am trying to avoind Chinese restaurant situations - just as a recovering alcoholic avoids going into bars!
  • I am with Ruth,
    When in Rome.....
    But most places will do steamed meat and veggies. I am a WW so i have a little more flexability.

    There are a few good sites to help you out. You can do a food count search on google and see what comes up.

    This is for Mu Shu pork with out a pancake.
    Calories 516.8 kcals
    Carbohydrates 5.4 gm
    Protein 19 gm
    Total Fat 46.8 gm
    Saturated Fat 6.9 gm
    Cholesterol 173.5 mg
    Sodium 384.6 mg
    Potassium 333.2 mg
    Iron 1.5 mg
    Dietary Fiber 0.6 gm

    I hope this helps....