I can't eat milk or eggs- help?

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  • I don't know what to eat for breakfast. I can't eat milk products or egg products, anything with those ingredients in them because I have severe allergies to them. Every time I try to lose weight this becomes kind of an issue because, well, weight losers rely on milk and eggs for breakfast foods and snacks!

    I'd really appreciate some low calorie ideas for breakfast and snacks, that don't involve milk or eggs. And I already eat cereal with soymilk but I'm really tired of it!

    Thanks ladies, I really appreciate it!

    EDIT- forgot to mention, I'm vegetarian. Well, basically I'm vegan since I don't eat milk or eggs but it's not like a moral thing... meat just makes me gag ever since I had my daughter! So... no meat. See why I'm having a bit of a hard time here?
  • Oats are clearly a standby. You could make a big pot of steel cut oats, maybe with some dried fruit and/or nuts, and keep individual portions in the fridge to grab and go.

    What about taking a whole wheat/low carb tortilla and filling it with a banana and a tbsp of peanut butter? Or, there's no need to eat "typical" breakfast foods, either - take the same tortilla and fill with vegetarian refried beans or cooked pinto beans and salsa.

    What about a fruit smoothie with tofu for protein and texture? You could also use a soy protein powder to the same effect. I've made some GREAT smoothies with frozen fruit, soy protein powder, and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Mmmm.
  • Ooooh, oatmeal like Mandalinn said. I have it practically every morning. Organic oatmeal, with a bit of honey to sweeten, and frozen blueberries chucked in. *mouth waters*
  • my favorite breakfast is 2 slices whole wheat bread (I cut it thin, so it's about 80 cals for 2 slices), 2 tbsp. pb2--I found the new chocolate flavor at my grocery store...OMG SOOO good!!! so there's another 50 calories. Then I'll have a banana or a pear or some fruit. If I don't have fruit I'll have a little soy yogurt.

    You could also bake an apple, put a little cinnamon on it...I usually spray it with a couple squirts of vegan "butter" spray...add a little brown sugar if you want. ...It's like an apple pie for breakfast!

    Get some morningstar soy products. The "sausage" is great.

    Have you tried ener-g egg replacer? I haven't yet, but notice a lot of recipes can be made with it.
  • You could ... eat bread, without butter, and with jelly, or honey, or maybe some meat-replacing product? (for the proteins) Or maybe a granola bar?
  • Thanks for the ideas- I'll try all those things. I love Morningstars meat replacers like their sausage, but it's pretty pricey!
  • How about whole grain bread or english muffins with peanut butter. Or granola with soy yogurt and berries. Or waffles with peanut butter and sliced bananas.

    My standby breakfast includes these yummy energy bar things I get at Costco. They're basically a wheat bagel dough but they add chopped apples, raisins, and walnuts and bake it in a bar shape. I like to have one of those (200 cals) with a glass of chocolate soymilk.
  • My staple breakfast choices are - Mini whole wheat bagels with hummus; oatmeal with banana slices and raisins, whole wheat waffles with maple syrup
  • I am actually vegan. I eat the same breakfast every morning. 1 piece of whole wheat toast, 1 tblspn pb, annnd 1 6 oz container of soy yogurt. So it's about 350-400 calories.

    Fruit is a great option! Some oatmeal with fruit, some frozen waffles with fruit. Heck anything with fruit!

    What about using a non dairy protein powder (soy, pea, hemp) and making a smoothie?
  • Sometimes when I'm feeling frisky in the morning I'll make a tofu breakfast stir-fry with tons of veggies (and possibly smart sausage, very affordable). I rely on my oatmeal and fiber cereal and fruit, though.

    My absolute favorite is crock pot steel-cut oats with cinnamon and apples. So yummy to wake up to, and almost no work.
  • Whey protein powder is fine for vegetarians and lactose intolerant. There is no dairy left in it- they extract all of the amino acids leaving behind all of the sugars (lactose). It is the most bioavailable protein source and the best for protein drinks. A little more expensive but worth it. The taste is great too. It gives you another option besides soy.
  • I often have a green smoothie for breakfast, its yummy and SO good for you! I put 1 banana, half an apple (or any fruit of your choice), 1/2 cup of pure blueberry juice (supposed to wake you up better than coffee), and full with water to cover the fruit. I blend that, and then add 1 tbsp freshly ground flax seeds and 1-2 cups of greens, usually spinach. Its a weird colour, but it tastes good and is SO good for you. Its basically something from the raw foods diet, which I think makes a lot of sense.

    For snacks? almonds and fruit is one of my fav's! or sometimes I make a small salad with nuts instead of croutons... weird snack, but it works!

  • Wheat waffles
  • Quote: my favorite breakfast is 2 slices whole wheat bread (I cut it thin, so it's about 80 cals for 2 slices), 2 tbsp. pb2--I found the new chocolate flavor at my grocery store...OMG SOOO good!!! so there's another 50 calories. Then I'll have a banana or a pear or some fruit. If I don't have fruit I'll have a little soy yogurt.
    Thats one of my favorite breakfasts too...I just had it this morning
  • My new favorite thing to make in the morning is millet cereal. I eat it when I get bored of oatmeal.

    Serves 2
    Soak 1/2 cup millet in water overnight.
    In the morning, drain and add 1.5 cups water in a pot.
    Cook for 15 minutes or until all the water is absorbed.
    Add 1/4-1/2 cup almond milk/soy milk/rice milk, 1/4 cup toasted sliced almonds, and any type of fruit, cook for 2 more minutes.

    Also, what about eating dinner leftovers for breakfast? Like some brown rice and fish, etc. Oh whoops I just saw you are vegan...ummm ok I got nothing else, sorry!