Calorie tribulations

  • Heya all!

    So, I had kept myself at around 1100-1200 calories throughout the summer, and the early part of the school year. I currently work out vigorously every day. I was speaking to a dietitian and her response was "No no no, you're eating WAY too little, you should be eating between 1500-1700 depending on how hard you work out that day." However, she didn't have time to talk with me further (long story). Anyway, I think that is why my weight loss has slowed down lately, since I've read that you can go into starvation, low metabolism mode like that.

    So, the practical answer would be "eat more healthy food." But I've also read that your body stockpiles the stuff because it's scared it'll be starved again. Is there a way to consume a better amount of calories for me without piling all the weight back on? Would the returning weight be easily burnable if I just cold turkey switched to a 1500 calorie diet?

    My darkest fear is gaining back the weight I've lost.
  • If you raise your calories, you might gain back a little weight temporarily, but it will be worth it in the long run, I promise. The longer you stay at an extreme deficit, the more damage you do to your body and the more you stall your ability to lose weight healthily.

  • Hey phoenix, It's really hard (impossible) to answer that without knowing what you weigh and your height. If you weigh 120 lbs and want to lose 10 lbs, the answer would be different than if you weigh 250 and want to lose 100 lbs.

    In general I would say 1100 is too low for someone who works out vigorously. I would suggest slowly increasing your calories with very healthy foods (no junk) until you get back to 1500 calories. I would probably do it over the course of a couple of weeks just for my peace of mind if for no physical reason. Good luck.
  • I didn't have a problem going from 1500 to 2000 calories when I started maintaining, but I never went that low with my cals. If you are really concerned, then up them slowly, say 100 calories a week until you are up to the correct level.

    I do agree it's hard to give advice without knowing your stats though.