Weighing more 2 minutes after I wake up... than I do 15 minutes after I wake up...?

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  • Question to everyone who weighs themselves obsessively/in the am:

    Why, when I weigh myself IMMEDIATELY after getting up do I weigh higher than when I weigh myself ten minutes later? (Don't ask me why I would weigh myself again ten minutes later in the first place, it's a disease...)

    But, always. I don't do anything differently like.. going to the bathroom or eating in between this time period. But we're talking like.. a significant difference, of like 1 lb.

    Is this just me? Am I an anomally? Is my scale maybe just f*cked??
  • Hmmmm, that is interesting. I am going to check that for myself when I get up tomorrow.
  • Please do, and report back to me. I wanna know if I'm completely insane.
  • This happens to me every day too! By about 0.5 of a pound!
  • Yup this happened to me before as well, so i just wait until I've been up for a bit and check the scale right before I jump in the shower.
  • YAY, I'm not crazy.

    ...I wonder why that is though.... :?
  • I sometimes think the scale can be affected by having recently weighed someone. Once in a while, I'll be up a little and discover that my husband has been on the scale already. OTOH, I am usually able to weigh myself 3 times in a row and get the same number, so I dunno.
  • haha I am the same way. I don't know why it does it. I weigh myself right after I go to the bathroom, then I do random things and weigh right before I get into the shower. Sometimes it's 1/2 to 1 lb difference. Who knows...
  • Maybe you stand a little differently when you just wake up... you're tired, you might slump or put your weight on your feet a little differently (just changing my standing position, I've seen up to a 3 pound difference).

    Um, otherwise....????
  • I check it at about 11 am thats when its the lowest and ive gone to the bathroom a couple time
  • I too have that "disease". lol I've seen it go up as much as 3 pounds and then it goes down. I've even weighed myself on two different scales. Sometimes the same, sometimes different. I don't put too much faith in the scale.... that's why I'm all about inches!
  • Kelly315 guessed what I was going to -- that it's about posture.

    It could also just be the scale... maybe once the electronics have time to warm up, they're giving you a more (or less -- but probably more) accurate reading.
  • Huh. My scale's pretty good quality. It weighs me the same no matter what foot I've got my weight rolled onto, or if I'm slouching or not... how does your posture change how much you weigh??
  • I always go with the lesser number lol
  • Quote: I always go with the lesser number lol
    Me too!