Anyone else feel like a big dummy at the gym?

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  • My husband and I joined a gym on Sunday, we've gone every day since then. They even have childcare so our boys can play and it's a really great place. Buuuut....

    I don't know how to use any of the equipment and my hubby goes around with me to show me how (he was a football player, so he knows how to use everything) but I know he'd rather be using free weights. I really want to try the Eliptical, but am kind of embarassed to get up there and not even know how to turn it on. Or, goodness, bite it and fall off! LOL

    They offer two free sessions with a personal trainer so they can teach you everything and tell you what you should be doing. But I feel too embarassed to even do that...ugh. I really want to work out and get strong and in shape, but I'm so intimidated by this whole gym thing. I've always just played softball or go walking, I've never been part of a gym before.

    Anyone else feel like this? How did you get over it? I guess I just need to suck it up.
  • I'd rather feel silly asking for help than trying something and injuring myself. Use the free sessions-that's exactly what a trainer is for-to guide people.
  • Don't be shy...ask for help, take advantage of the free training sessions. You won't regret it! Before you know it you'll be a pro!
  • I felt exactly the same way!!! So I had a friend show me how to use just one piece of equipment at a time, and I did that one piece for a few visits until I was comfortable with it. I had the intro tour with the personal trainer too, but it was just overwhelming.

    So my advice would be to have your husband slowly show you a few pieces of equipment, get your bearings and a sense of comfort on those, and then in a few weeks do the full tour when you will be more confident learning new exercises.
  • I was initially scared of going to the gym. The thing that freed me from that was hiring my neighbor (who owns a gym and personal trains) to train me. I didn't know her well, not at all - we just said hello on the street, but I needed someone to hold my hand through the process.

    I really do think you should take advantage of those free sessions, you'll walk away feeling much more confident. Also, a lot of times they expire within a set period of time and training is EXPENSIVE!

    It didn't take me long at all to feel fine about the gym. It's like a second home, familiar.

    On the elliptical, if it's like most I've used, just hop on and start moving your tootsies. You'll power it on that way. The screen will then give you options to choose a program or have Quickstart. For just starting go with a manual program or Quickstart so you're in control of the machine. Once you master it you can do programs if you like. Personally, I always control the machine manually as I like to do intervals.
  • I was also a little uncomfortable at the gym when i first started. I did the session with the trainer and that made me feel much better. They will teach you how to use it properly so that you dont hurt yourself. Once you do it a couple times it becomes a lot easier. dont worry about other people at the gym because at one point they probably needed help also. Just like any new situation..... it takes time to become comfortable. Keep up the good work!
  • Ditto what everyone else has said. Do the free sessions. You won't regret it!
  • Are you nuts? Take the free sessions!!
  • Quote:
    I don't know how to use any of the equipment and my hubby goes around with me to show me how (he was a football player, so he knows how to use everything) but I know he'd rather be using free weights.
    so why not get him to show you how to use free weights? You're better off using the free weights than the machines anyway.

    They offer two free sessions with a personal trainer so they can teach you everything and tell you what you should be doing. But I feel too embarrassed to even do that.
    You're embarrassed by not knowing, but embarrassed to ask for help from the person whose job it is to help you? Surely you know how silly that is!

    I would suggest you pick up a good book on exercise and weight lifting. Either Body for Life or New Rules of Lifting for Women are both high on my recommendation list. You'll get a series of workouts that you can start with, so you don't feel like you're flailing around. You'll get information on how to do the workouts complete with photos and descriptions. And you'll have a starting point.

    Letting yourself be intimidated by the gym is as silly as deciding you want to learn to play the piano and being intimidated by the piano and your music teacher. No one expects you to play a sonata the first day. And no one expects you to know how to use all the machines and weights in the gym the first day.

    Take advantage of the opportunities they offer you by talking to a trainer and figuring out what it is you can/want to do.

  • I second Photochick. Check out the free weights. And meet with a trainer. it is better to learn the right way to lift a weight than to use poor form and hurt yourself. Every single person in that gym was a newbie at some point in their lives---even your DH had to walk into a weight room for the first time. Even the trainer had to find the on button for the elliptical for the first time. You can do it!!

    Have fun!
  • My DH and I are going to the gym together now. He's a regular, but I am definitely not! I feel very out of place there and I am not sure yet that my workouts are all that great compared to the other people who are zooming along there, but I am going to keep going until I figure it this point, as long as I am sweating, I pat myself on the back and say Good Job!

    I figure the more often I go, the more comfortable I'll be...
  • Trainers, at least the good ones, get excited when someone who is not fit begins a fitness routine. Don't be proud!
  • I don't think I can offer anything else that hasn't already been said already! Absolutely use those free sessions! And from someone who was VERY intimidated by free weights for a long time, check those out too! They are awesome!!!

    I have to say, every once in a while I still get those old insecure feeling creeping back when I am the ONLY female (and the only out of shape person) walking into the free weight room w/ the "muscle guys", BUT as my younger brother reminds me....everyone is too busy looking at themselves to even care about looking at me. He's right!!! I turn up my music, take a deep breath, and walk right in. You can too!!!!!
  • I know exactly what you mean when you say that you are afraid of not knowing how to do something (like the eliptical) but you are also afraid of asking for help to learn.
    I personally spent a lot of time being the exact same way. I never wanted to feel embarrassed or ask for help. I used to only like things when I knew how to do them easily and quickly and I would avoid things that might make me look stupid or feel embarrassed. Well, that has changed now. I finally came to a point in my life where I realized that I am losing out on a lot of great experiences because I'm too afraid to admit that I can't do something and too embarrassed to ask for help.
    If you want to get fit and get the most out of your gym experience you need to realize that you are only hurting yourself by holding yourself back due to fear. Just tell yourself that everyone feels embarrassed at times but that you paid your membership and you deserve to know how to get the most out of the gym. Take the personal training sessions. Ask people to help you. I bet if you are anything like me you will soon find out that it is actually more empowering than embarrassing to admit you don't know how to use something and get someone's help and then feel proud of yourself because you did it - rather than avoiding everything that you don't know how to do and always beating yourself up because you're not getting a good experience
    at the gym.
    That's just my two cents anyway!!
    Good luck to you & congratulations for making the commitment to go to the gym and get healthy!
  • I am talking myself into going to the gym. I am one of those women who refuses to go because I am too embarrassed. I am going to have to go because winter is coming and it will be too cold for me to go for walks. Also, I am at the point where I have to get some kind of exercise. The past month I have been eating well and losing some weight. I have more energy than I have before, and my uncluttering of the house is soon going to be at an end. I'll have to get some kind of exercise.

    I have made up my mind that no one really cares if I am there because people are too busy trying to get their workout done. I will be going to a rec center at the university where I work. Also, I have picked out a time when the place will be practically empty because students will be in classes etc.

    In regards to a personal trainer. I know how to set up a treadmill or elliptical machine, so I am not worried about that. The weight machines have instructions and settings which are self-explanatory, so I should be fine. I am thinking that once I get into a regular routine and when we sell our house, I will get a personal trainer to help me fine tune my exercise routine.