Hi, I'm new!

  • Hi! My name is Ashley and I'm new to the group. I just turned 30, and I've spent the last 10 yrs. at home raising babies. My kiddos are 10, 6, and 2. For the majority of the last 10 yrs., I have really let my appearance slide. As a teen, I battled anorexia and bulimia. I was 19 yrs. old, 5'11" tall and weighed about 115 lbs. when I became pregnant with my first child. My weight went up to 180 lbs., and though upset when the baby was born and he didn't weigh 65 lbs, I figured that I was young enough that my body would "bounce back" and that eventually I'd loose the weight. Years went by, and when my son turned 3, I had lost a little bit of weight...and then I was pregnant again with my daughter. Again I went up to almost 200 lbs., again it took years to see any post-baby weight loss at all, and again, as soon as the pounds started to come off, I got pregnant again.

    I literally woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and asked myself "Who in the world is that?" because surely it wasn't me. At one time I had been very conscious of my appearance, never leaving the house without make-up, and a year ago, all of my make-up had gone bad with age, and it had been years since I had had a haircut. Further, all of my clothes were maternity clothes, even though my youngest was almost 2, for the simple reason that I refused to buy myself clothes that wouldn't fit "once I lost the weight."

    Within the last year, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not getting any younger, and it isn't going to get any easier to loose weight. Right now I weigh about 160-165 and while that isn't obese for my height, I am not happy with the way that my body looks, and I am committed to changing that.

    My problem is that I have no idea where to start. I have been walking or bike riding every night, but I can't see how that is going to help my waist line. We have very little money, so a gym membership is out of the question right now, as is purchasing expensive diet foods. I'd love some advice or direction if anyone can point me down the right path.

  • Hi Ashley

    You are in the right place. There are plenty of diet forums to choose from. People post their successes with these diets or their not so successes. I myself am doing a combination of calorie and carb counting. There is a lot to digest but i myself found it very helpful. there is a 30 something forum too that you can check out. It really helps to know that you are not alone and there are others going through the same battles. So take some time and get to know us. Hppe to see you around.

  • Welcome Ashley!
  • You started at the right place... here! With a support group that will love you no matter what, and we actually understand!!!

  • welcome and count me in your circles Can I see your *** naked in a PM?