300% Committed

  • Hi everyone, I went on the scale today, and the numbers just kept going up. So I am way heavier that I thought, over 300 pounds, and I have to do something about it. Today is the first day of my new lifestyle. I am going to make losing weight the most important thing in my life. I know it's going to be hard, but this forum looks like a great way to stay encouraged. How does everyone keep motivated and on track?
  • Hey Al! Welcome.... I think it's different for everyone. For me? It's pure stubborness.... the only thing that keeps me going is I'm addicted to my clothes becoming big. I've lost way more inches that I have weight. For three months I've lost under 5 pounds, but I went from a 22 to 18, so needless to say that's a lot of inches. I'm excited about my new lifestyle and I love the way I feel. I love working out everyday, well I love the way my body feels after it. I feel stronger and more control of my life. I refuse to live life in fear of things. Am I too big for this or that.... I want to change me for me not for anyone else.... I love being stronger, I love being able to run a 10 min mile at my weight. I love being able to beat my skinny friends in a race.... I focus on what I love and what I want. I hope that helps.

    Oh, and I must say that on the days that I want to give up, I'm here and these wonderful ladies don't let me. They remind me again of how good I'm doing and how far I've come. Get plugged in here and don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • Welcome Aliecia!

    What keeps me going is being able to do things -- hiking, backpacking, running (I'm up to 75 seconds at a time now, but a month ago, I could only do 45 seconds!), weight lifting, biking, and now that winter is coming: cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, and showshoeing. I have crossed the 300# barrier and committed to a significant weight loss program at least 3x in the past 10 years. Each time, I lost a bunch of weight, but the previous 2x, I put it back on. One of the things that is different for me this time is that I am being much more active from the very start. I went on a very grueling hike when I was about 2-3 weeks into my latest effort. I almost crawled up the trail and it wore me out, but I made it which was incredibly motivating in and of itself. Each time I do something I can do a little bit more. The first time I rode my bike, I could barely ride 10 miles and I had to ask my biking pals to slow down. The last time, I rode 30 miles and occasionally passed them.

    The other thing I would suggest is being willing to fail -- not planning to fail, but if you do "blow it" -- come back sooner rather than later!
  • Hi Aliecia, what keeps me motivated is wanting to be healthy. I have been heavy for quite some time but have always been active, very active. I mean I used to wear my skinny friends out. But I hurt my back in an accident April 07 and haven't been able to do much other than be in pain. So with not being physically active I have gained 35+ pounds. I HATE it!!!! I'ts one thing to be overweight and be able to swim, hike, dance all night and do anything you want to but to suddenly NOT be able to anything really sucks! So I decided that I had to start losing the weight by cutting back on my food by counting calories, which I have been doing for a month now. The doctor also told me this week I could start to exercise some, well I've already been doing that, going easy, I don't want to make it worse, so I just do a little at a time. I walk till the pain is to bad then I stop and rest. Same with all the exercise, but swimming is the best

    I guess one thing that really gets me going is that I will be turning 50 next year and I don't want to be a outashape, fat, frumpy old woman. I don't have any grand kids yet but when I do I want to be able to get down and crawl around the floor with them. I still want to go out and dance all night. I want to go hiking again, bike with my kids and and run track for miles like I used to. Don't get me wrong I know I can do ALL of these things overweight, because I have, but I want my life to be easier. I don't want to have to take meds when I'm older and I hate it that because of my size people assume that I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high collestrol, etc., all of which I don't have. So these are some of the things that motivate me, not to mention ALL of the wonderful people here who give me support, even if I've had a bad day. It gives me comfort to know that their are others out there going through the same struggles and to know that I can be there for them as well as they for me. These are some of the things that give me the strength and courage to keep on keeping on. So again welcome
  • HI! Welcome and what keeps the motivation going?

    Well...personally I have bumps and struggles and am just now coming to terms with those. I mean they aren't "failures" they just are the struggles one has when they take on something hard and challenging. I keep going because I want to this so much, to be healthy, to be free of wearing clothes I hate, to be free from being ashamed. That is a great motivation for me.

    I'm also 30 and want my 30s to be full of adventure and more and not have this huge weight blocking my life anymore. I want this weight to be gone lol.

    *supportive hugs*
  • I don't think I've found motivation, but that's okay. For me it's just about being consistent. Commit to doing one thing better today than you did yesterday. All you need to do is keep getting a little bit better. Congrats on making the decision, and good luck!
  • I think in the beginning the big motivator for me was I wanted to stay mobile as long as possible with having MS being so overweight my body was just not coping. So keep motivated in the beginning I had strong motivation. The posiblity of a wheelchair was looming up thick and fast.

    Now my motivation has changed a little to I like the way I am now so I know that in order to stay like this or weigh even less I must continue to eat healthy and exercise to achieve that.