Night Shift Workers

  • I work many 12 hour nights a week as an ER nurse. I generally sleep the afternoon before the first night, and then sleep days between shifts. I'm finding it difficult to balance my meals with night work.

    My first night I eat breakfast, HNS at the lunch hour, sleep, lunch meal at dinner time, HNS at around 11 p.m., then dinner at 2 a.m. (or when the chance arrives). Breakfast when I get home, then bed for the day. Start my night with lunch at dinner time.

    I'm still losing, but I realize I'm not following the rules regarding mealtimes.

    Hoping to hear from other night workers who may share their tips. I always have my limit of HNS with me - just in case.
  • Quote: I work many 12 hour nights a week as an ER nurse. I generally sleep the afternoon before the first night, and then sleep days between shifts. I'm finding it difficult to balance my meals with night work.

    My first night I eat breakfast, HNS at the lunch hour, sleep, lunch meal at dinner time, HNS at around 11 p.m., then dinner at 2 a.m. (or when the chance arrives). Breakfast when I get home, then bed for the day. Start my night with lunch at dinner time.

    I'm still losing, but I realize I'm not following the rules regarding mealtimes.

    Hoping to hear from other night workers who may share their tips. I always have my limit of HNS with me - just in case.
    Maybe ask your center? I know when i first started they asked me when i normally ate my meals and seemed like they would be very helpful in this... I am sure they have had pleanty of people come through their center in the same schedule as you and hopefully they have some good ideas... Sorry I wasn't able to give any suggestions, but i hope you can find an answer somewhere
  • I have this same problem. I work overnights in inpatient pharmacy...and it's super tough. I work 7/14 there are a good chunk of days that I have off...that I keep a 'normal' schedule. I tend to binge when I get home. It sucks. I'm still losing/staying the same....but I'm definitely not as healthy as I was before I went to overnights. I can't find a balance. I'd love some ideas as well. ...Also working the night shift is horrible for snacking. People bring junk food...and it's soooo hard to stay away from it!
  • I feel for you! I also work night shifts. I am a respiratory therapist and I work 2-3 twelve hour shifts a week. I find it very difficult to get back on a normal sleep schedule during the time that i have off. I am loosing weight (60lbs) so far, so I dont know if it is any help but what i do is just eat breakfast around 3pm (which is about an hour after I wake up). I eat a light lunch at about 6:30pm which is right before i start my rounds at work. then we have dinner around 10:30pm or 11:00pm some nights. I will have a snack around 2:30 (usually yogurt or fiber one bar, or vegie sticks). I leave work at 6:30 am and i am usually hungry after I get home, so i will drink a glass of silk soy milk or maybe have another light snack before i go to sleep. I never eat at the cafeteria. I always have my meals prepared to take to work. what I find the hardest for me is when my co-workers bring in bad foods to share with the dept. Or when they want to order out. That is when my will power has to kick in I agree that it is more difficult to eat properly while on midnight shifts but you just have to get into the swing of things. try to eat every 3 hrs to keep your metabolism up.