Tapas disaster :(

  • Oh dear, the day started off so well yesterday. I knew i was going out for a meal in the evening for a friends birthday so i deliberately ate well during the day - bran flakes for breakfast, half a bagle with scrambled egg for lunch and 2 Special K bars. Not bad right? But then disaster struck! Met them in the pub at half 6 and i had 2 small glasses of white wine (70 cals each i think?), then we moved on to the tapas restaurant... The sangria was flowing and i had 3 glasses of the stuff (i have no idea how many calories is in this) and i had calamari with garlic mayo, a VERY SMALL plate of seafood paella, and 4 huge king prawns. Then when i came home i had some dry crackers.
    So i have dealt with the guilt of this terrible binge and although i have a bit of a hangover, i am going to resist the hangover munchies and drink lots of water and get back on plan today. Who knows, maybe the binge will have kicked my metabolism into gear...I can hope! I just had to share this with you, hope you dont mind!!
  • You know, we've all done it and you're on the right track by eating healthily today. And the thing that counts is you have fun, right?
  • Don't beat yourself up over it. Get right back on plan, you'll be OK.
  • chin up chick....
    it mite even do u good to calorie cycle....
  • you call that a binge? I eat that for a starter when I'm binging!
  • As far as binges go that's not bad at all!!! It sounds like it may just give your metabolism a kick in the pants! At least you binged on somewhat healthy things. Prawns are so YUMMY!!! It could be much worse.

    Just pick yourself up and keep on trucking!
  • Yeah, that barely sounds like a binge to me. I ate over 4,000 calories twice = 8,000 calories or more in two days back to back, and a week later, I am back to what I weighed before that. It's ok to have one or two bad days a month, so I try to save it for a special occasion/party. Don't feel bad.