~October Golden Girls~

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  • We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
    We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
    We are the Golden Girls...

    There is Value in us
    There is Power in us
    There is Wisdom in us
    And Laughter....
    We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
    There is love in us.
    (poem by Dorothy Holmes)

    Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark?
    Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
  • Morning....just a quicky have take DH to eye doc and then off to the bridge table. Thank you for starting new month Bobbi.....later, Karen3
  • Happy October 1st!
    I'd like to print an article from "Dear Abby" that we all can relate to, not the age of this little lady but her friendly spirit.
    Dear Abby: My granddaughter took me to a large shopping center to buy some things I needed. While she finished her shopping, I waited in the food court, watching the crowd.
    All of a sudden a woman who had just walked by turned back, put her arms around me, gave me a squeeze and said, "You are blessed. You have saved my day." Confused, I asked, "What did I do?"
    "You smiled at me," she answered, and walked away.
    Abby, I'll be 99 in a few months, I have smiled all my life, but never dreamed it could make such a difference in someone's life...especially my own.
    I promised myself then and there to smile a lot more, and I hope those who read this will resolve to do the same. It takes only 13 muscles to smile, and it's worth the effort. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile. See the difference?
    Dear Kathryn. A smile is contagious. It's an acknowledgement of another person's worth, and usually an indication that the smiler feels good about him or herself. And who's to say-it might even have something to do with your longevity. Here's hoping you'll be sharing that glow for many years to come.
  • Hi gang . . . Hope October is off to a great start for you . . .

    Things are pretty good in my little world although it is a bit cold and dreary outside this morning and the head cold did NOT miraculously just disappear overnight.

    Must get out for a few groceries as soon as I finish saying hello in a bunch of places and I will definitely remember to smile at lots of people.

    See you all soon . . .
  • Good morning, good morning. Another new month already sheesh!

    Bobbi - Thanks for posting the stay young tips. The one about opportunities was just what I needed to read. I've been getting a little nervous about my upcoming unemployment thinking that, since I'm over 50, I'm going to have a super tough time competing with all the 'youngsters' out there - especially with the economy being what it is. Those tips reminded me that I'm not all used up just yet and all my years of experience might actually give me an advantage over those kids who are going to need lots of training

    We have a big Halloween party to attend this year - trying to decide on a creative costume now that I can fit into a cool one. So excited that I don't have to go as The Blob again this year. I'm thinking I may actually go rent one this time - maybe something that fits my new attitude, like a saloon girl or something

    Hope you all have a perfect fall day
  • Good Morning, yes another month gone. Where did it go? Seems like it just started yesterday!!

    Bobbi, Thanks for the articles. i always learn something from the ones you post, or have a good laugh. Both are beneficial.

    Linda, Sorry to hear that you are still feeling bad. Hope you feel better soon. That cold has lingered around long enough!

    YoYo, I can see you as a NAUGHTY saloon girl! Have fun. They make so many cute costumes anymore. I hope you find a job where someone appreciates the worth ethics and experience that older people bring to the job. My friend just lost her job, she's 60 and was worried too. She found a great job. I wish you the same. Because we do have a lot to offer.

    Make it a good day.
  • Hello October Golden Girls!
    I was wondering if I can join your group? I'm new here on 3FC. I'll be 53 yrs. old on the 10th. I have been married for 25 years, homeschooled my three children and my youngest has left to join the Marines. I've recently (1 week) gone back to work part-time. I worked a little bit within the last year with a temporary job and did some volunteering. Now I'm working in a grocery store stocking health and beauty aids. I'm on my feet the entire time ~ walking, stooping, kneeling, up and down stairs. Whew my poor feet!

    I was wondering if I can join your group?
  • Good evening all.....as she drags her weary body up off the floor into the desk chair. For some reason I went to bed at 1am and woke up at 3:28am. Period that was it.....No worries just couldn't sleep. Body wanted to but nada!
    Should sleep tonight or die tomorrow.

    Welcome MamaDuck...This is fabulous group of chicks to hang out with. They will be here to support you or scold you which ever you need.

    YoYo...thought you were going as a belly dancer??? Or what's her name with 7 veils? Just remembered years ago I was wearing the Great Pumpkin outfit which meant I had limited mobility and got grooped in the elevator by a doctor. Heheheee...I spun around so fast the hoops slapped him silly!

    DH's eye is no worse and so next appointment is 4 months away. Got Dash's meds for the trip and cooking turkey thighs to take for his meals. Don't think I wanna smell that nasty canned dog food in hotel room....yuck for sure.

    Still on a bridge roll and came in 1st again today. Too bad there isn't a cash reward.....Have reservations for the Regional in Daytona next month and just called and got reservations for the Regional in Sarasota in Feb. I got smart last time and saved all my lists..ie clothes to pack, meals for DH. And found the file. So am ahead of myself for a change.

    Better get myFit day posted before the bod crashes.....hugs, karen3
  • Hello Chickies and a great big welcome to mamaduck. Just jump in and join the chatter or should I say clucking.

    , that was a great letter from Dear Abby. I used to read her all the time when I was a kid. Don't get her in the local paper where I live. Here's a little poem I found some time ago which expresses some of the same sentiment. I don't know who wrote it but I really liked it.

    Smiling is infectious,
    You catch it like the flu.
    When someone smiled at me today,
    I started smiling too.
    I passed around the corner,
    and someone saw my grin.
    When he smiled I realized,
    I'd passed it to him.
    I thought about that smile,
    then I realized its worth.
    A single smile just like mine,
    could travel the earth.
    So, if you feel a smile begin,
    don't leave it undetected.
    Let's start an epidemic quick,
    and get the world infected!

    Karen3, hope you have a good night's sleep. When are you leaving for your trip?

    Hi to Freda, Meowee, and sexy Yoyo.

    Have a good night everyone.
  • Hi MamaDuck..........glad you joined us!
    Isabella, very nice poem. We should all make a point of smiling more.
  • Hi Everyone ~

    Just popping in to say hi. A couple days off from work ~ yippee!!

    Have a bunch of errands to run today ~ off to the races

    Hope you all are doing well.

    Take care
  • Brrrrrrrrr, it's cold this morning. Yesterday they predicted frost so last night I went out and cut all the raspberry tops off that had fruit on them and put them in a large vase of water. This actually works, last summer I accidently broke off a large branch that was loaded with unripened raspberries. I put them in water, changed the water daily and all the fruit ripened.
    I'm on my way to an appointment this morning so this will be it for today. Congratulations to everyone on the accountability thread for September. Yesterday I counted the total pounds losted, over 22 pounds gone forever. Not everyone had posted their last few days so I don't know how accurate that number is.
    Have a good one!
  • Good Morning . . .

    Well, not so good -- cold and overcast again -- but it could be a lot worse. Will be doing the usual Thursday mall-crawl today (missed last week because of my stupid cold)

    Other than that . . . nothing new or exciting around here.
  • Good Morning Golden Girls! Yes, Bobbi, it is cold here, too. We've been pretty chilly in the morning that last couple of weeks though (40 degrees). We haven't had a frost yet, but my mums are dead. All is well by noon though when the sun bring 70 degree weather. Well, I'm just popping in to say hello. I'm off to work and I'll be back later. Have a great morning everyone!
  • Morning ladies

    mamaduck You'll love it here. These wonderful ladies have really kept me going when my resolve was getting weak. Hey, just think, all that suffering your poor feetsies are going through means exercise It'll help you along your journey to better health.

    Sigh Bobbi, frost warnings huh? Still getting up into the 90s here. I'm really feeling itchy for real live cold - well, OK, what I think of as cold is probably just cool to you - Hard to start getting in the holiday mood when it's 90 out.

    Belly dancer huh Karen3? Hmmm, I am in better shape but not sure I'm THAT good just yet - but, I suppose those 7 veils could be strategically placed But, I dunno, maybe I'll try that Great Pumpkin thing - been a while since I was groped by a stranger (don't tell DH I said that )

    Thanks for the positive thoughts on the job hunt front. Waffling a little between wanting to get right out there and get agressive right now and wanting to only give half hearted effort until after the holidays. I've got travel plans for both Thanksgiving and Christmas that I'd hate to have to cancel - and I don't think it's prudent to tell a potential employer that you need vacation time before you've even started the job

    Have a perfect day ladies