White noise machines?

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  • Ok this is kind of funny but I think I need one for my dogs. They tend to bark in the morning at various noises outside. We noticed that since having a noisy machine near where they sleep, they haven't barked. The machine isn't permanent so we were thinking of getting a white noise machine.

    Has anyone used any? What would you recommend?
  • They actually make those? I had no idea! My husband always has to sleep with a fan. It's just one of the little black ones from Target that we got for around $15. I thought he was a little crazy until we had someone stay with us who brought their own little black fan! Now I'm a convert to "white noise".

    Do you mean something like this? http://www.vat19.com/dvds/sleepmate-...-generator.cfm

    ETA I think that I would definitely invest in something like that if my dogs were making noise. I wonder if they have a machine to make my cat stop scratching in her cat box at 6 a.m. because she's hungry...
  • Well I don't know about dogs. But I bought one for my grandson when he were born and my daughter loved it. She bought one for her daughter after her birth and one for her bedroom. They still use them my gradson will be 4 in a couple months.
  • I've only had my pup for two days, but yesterday I noticed that he sleeps better with the TV on than with nothing when I'm trying to get stuff done. W/o the TV, he woke up whenever I walked by. I'm thinking about using my white noise setting on my alarm clock for him. IDK, it might work.
  • I got the portable one from Sharper Image--it cost about $70 and you have to use batteries with it. They have another that plugs in, it's bigger, and costs about $10 more. We sleep with it and it has about 12 different sounds. But you could also just tune your radio/stereo to a nonstation, too.
  • Maybe we'll try the TV. Its near their 'room'. I didn't even think about that.
  • we use a cd called Bran Sync and leave it on disc repeat- it seems to help a lot. We don't have as much trouble with noise at our current apartment so we stopped using it. we tried one of the machines and didn't like it.
  • Gosh, I need the white noise from my fan. I'm in an apartment and I have roommates. I will have to find something else when it cools off. I had a thing that played various water sounds. But for some reason I mostly just get a lot of static from it now. Plus, the sounds had a really short repeat cycle. I'd lay there in bed and hear it starting over and over and over ...
  • One of my friends found out that her daughter (when she was a baby) would fall asleep to the noise of the vacuum cleaner. So they actually went online and found a DVD that had a vacuum cleaner sound on it. My friend's husband ripped it to MP3 and set it on a continuous loop on a cheapie player in the baby's room at night. I think they got one of those clock radios that you can plug an MP3 player into and set on a timer. So they'd set it for 2ish hours of "vacuuming" when they'd put her to bed.

    She's 2 now and still they still turn it on at night once in a while when she's restless.

    My husband used to have one of those Sharper Image sound machines by his bedside - would set it for rushing water or rain and fall asleep to that in a heartbeat.

  • What the... ???

    I have no idea what happened. Can a mod delete these for me? SO sorry!!!

  • Ahhh noise machines. My grandma uses one, and now I permanently smell AquaNet hairspray when I hear about them. :P

    We always used a radio with our dogs. But make sure that the station either comes in PERFECTLY or not at all. Anything in between seems to really bother the puppies.
  • all i can think of with those water noise ones is that i already have to get up to go to the bathroom 3 times a night- i can't imagine having the sound of running water to push it along! lol.
  • With mine, the waterfall sounds like a wind storm and the wind sounds like static. Being from WY I know what wind sounds like, and that ain't it.
  • Quote: all i can think of with those water noise ones is that i already have to get up to go to the bathroom 3 times a night- i can't imagine having the sound of running water to push it along! lol.
    LOL, not a problem for me. I never understood how hearing water could make you go. I mean, I can imagine it I guess, but have never experienced it.
  • i have a noise amchine i bought when my daughter as a baby.. my son was they bay that wke with every little noise and i didbnt want that again.. .. my daughter slept through the whole construction of our extension.. which was built onto her bedroom.. .. when it borke however i found a simple radio between stations did the same thing.. you know so you get that fuzzing sound.. and its cheaper to run then a tv .