New chick here!

  • Hello,

    My name is Monica and I am yet another newbie to this formum/support system. I actually found this site when I was searching for weight loss plans.

    I am 24 years old, have PCOS with insulin resistance and NEED to lose some freakin' weight.

    I currently weight 224 pounds and would like to get down to 140, maybe 130.
  • Hi Raye! Welcome

    Your goal is totally do-able! Hang with us (literally, after you've lost some weight) and jump right into the discussions. check out the 20-something's forum. Lots of encouragement to be had by all.
  • So, everyone seems to have these cools "tickers" that show their weights loss progress, how do I get one?
  • Quote: So, everyone seems to have these cools "tickers" that show their weights loss progress, how do I get one?
    You must prove yourself worthy, little grasshopper! In other words, ya hafta be here at least 20 days and have at least 20 posts.
  • ah! Got ya....I'll get crackin' on that provin' myself worthy stuff! Thanks for letting me know!
  • Quote: Hello,

    My name is Monica and I am yet another newbie to this formum/support system. I actually found this site when I was searching for weight loss plans.

    I am 24 years old, have PCOS with insulin resistance and NEED to lose some freakin' weight.

    I currently weight 224 pounds and would like to get down to 140, maybe 130.
    Hey Monica! I'm with ya... I'm 25 and have PCOS and insulin resistance also. I think my PCOS symptoms have gotten better with weight loss, but I know how hard it can be. I'm doing a low-carb plan and its been working for me. Some people like other plans better, whatever fits in best with their lifestyle and body. If you're like me, I would have serious sugar cravings... so bad that I felt like if I didn't eat something sweet I would go crazy! Once I changed my diet, I found that the cravings have lessened considerably... almost nonexistent.

    Best of luck to you! I'm new here too and I've been posting in the 20-something support group thread. Come on over and join us!
  • glad you joined us!
  • Hello! You can do it
  • Welcome
    Hi Monica,
    Welcome! I'm an old/new member. I'm glad that I came back to 3FC. I really need the support and to lose some "freakin weight" too!

    Good Luck you can do this girl!!!!!
  • Hi...I'm new too....welcome!