Getting there

  • Hi everyone!
    I've just come accross this wonerful site, and just reading these pages is helping me stay on track. I don't follow a specific program, but I have lost 70 lbs since January 14th. I try to eat healthy, watch both fat and calorie intake, and exercise daily. Some days it's hard, and I slip, but more often I manage to stay on track. I still need to lose 40 lbs more, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually
  • WOOOHOOO! Good for you!!! All of your hard work is paying off, you must feel real good!!!!

  • Jennifer,
    Thank you for reply, it's so nice to have someone to share my successes with. My partner is very supportive, but doesn't have to worry about food ever!!! Lucky for her.
    Anyway, working the graveyard shift again, so I have to be very aware, as it seems so easy at 0300 in the morning to pop food indiscriminately into my mouth. But I'm off for three days after this, yeah!
  • Evgreen,
    That's terrific! Good for you. Keep up the good work and let's all try to remember that a little slip up is just that. It is not a reason to binge. I am so glad for your success and hope to have the same to report in the next year or so! You're a help to us all!!