Hi there!

  • I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm new here. I stumbled upon this forum while doing weight-loss research for the health-food and supplement company I am currently interning for.

    My name is Kelly, I'm 18, and I'm leaving for college in northern IL, USA on September 15th. I've live in Illinois my whole life. I'm kind of a farm girl. I drive tractors and my family used to raise beef cattle. Now, I just help my boyfriend and his family farm and raise rabbits for show, to sell to pet shops, and (I'm sorry!) for meat. My boyfriend and I have been together nearly 4 years, and we're doing the whole "long distance" thing through college. We're doing well so far!

    Anyways...I am 4'10", and currently weigh 110 lbs. A good 8 of those lbs. are because I'm topheavy, but I am overweight for my height. I don't know how much I want to lose, but I know I'm no longer happy to be wearing a bikini like I used to. I also look for support to keep from gaining weight in college like my sister! On top of that, I also have diagnosed knee and back problems and have been told by my doctors and physical therapists that keeping off the weight is a great way to keep my pain minimal.

    My concern is that I'm starting a new chapter of my life. Weight can be a huge problem for girls in college. I don't want to lose control and gain that freshman 15 (or 30), but I don't want to go to extremes and be another textbook case of college anorexia. I figure being in a community is a good way to keep myself in check, and maybe make some friends!

    Thanks for your time! Can't wait to start meeting you guys.
  • Kelly!

    You're off to a great start, being concerned & taking charge of your health by wanting to keep the Freshmen Fifteen from ever being gained.

    You may want to check out the 20-somethings, because although you aren't 20, yet, you'll find other college students there who can give you some tips about how to deal. You also may want to check out the Featherweights section, for those among us who only have a few pounds to lose.

    Post wherever you're comfortable!

    Do you have a plan you're going to follow?

    Best of success!
  • No plan yet, although I used to play soccer and do a lot of sprinting. I'm looking into getting into intramurals to get active again (working in an office building all summer sort of takes the athlete out of you!). Our student union/caf is supposed to have a health-food only section. It wasn't open when I was there for orientation but I've heard good things.

    It's so nice to know I'm welcome and that I can count on friendly folks like you. Thanks for the welcome and the advice!
  • Hi and welcome Kelly! I think it's wonderful that you are looking ahead and trying to develop healthy habits, whatever "plan" or way of eating you end up with. College can certainly be unhealthy if you let it, but can also be very healthy! I agree with Faerie that there might be other college students who can support you and give you some tips on surviving your college years in the 20-somethings forum (though by no means should that stop you from looking all over this wonderful website). Good luck and glad you're with us!

    Also I've never eaten rabbit, but I would definitely try it presented the opportunity. Mmm, meat.
  • Rabbit is actually the healthiest domestically raised meat out there. It's almost entirely protein, and it's high in fiber, which binds to fat and cholesterol in the intestines and helps to "flush" it out. (That's my health food job showing through!) It's also incredibly lean. In fact, we made homemade rabbit sausage once and had to add ground pork shoulder, because the rabbit kept falling apart in the pan. It tastes just like turkey, too. You should definately try it!

    And just so you guys know, I went ahead and introduced myself in the Featherweight and 20-Something groups. Thanks for all your help!!!
  • Good for you, Kelly, really glad you are taking control of your life at such a young age. You will never regret it!

  • Welcome and good luck!