NOW I know why my pants don't fit!

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  • Just purchased a scale today...down NINE pounds from my starting weight! SO happy and such a great motivator! Next goal is 250lbs!
  • WOO HOO! That's awesome! Way to go
  • Awesome!!!
  • Nothing motivates like success. Congratulations!
  • Congrats!! The pants only get looser from here on out!
  • I have been on the south beach diet since feb. 2008. I started out at 188lbs.
    I am now down to 163 lbs, but I want to get to at least 135. I noticed my
    clothes are getting looser, but I am really having a hard time with my abdomen. I have been going to the gym 3 times a week. I need some encouragement on how to flatten my abdomen. I do feel good about the
    south beach diet. I is working.
  • How awesome are you?!?
  • I have been on the South Beach diet since Feb. 2008. I started out at 188 lbs. I am now at 163 lbs, I would like to get down to 135 lbs. My clothes are getting looser, but my abdomen is not getting any flatter. I need some encouragement on how to get my abdomen flatter. I go to the grm 3 times a week. Nothing seems to be helping. I feel the south beach diet is working since I am losing and I only eat what I am supposed to.
  • Congrats!
  • Hey Turquoise, Unfortunately, abdominal fat is pretty much the last thing to go. It is one of the final places the body stores its excess reserves. While you can strengthen the muscles underneath, until you take off some more weight, your abdominal fat will continue to cover the muscle layer. You have done an amazing job sticking to your plan. Just keep at it, and that abdominal fat WILL begin to melt away. It just takes time and patience...
  • Nine pounds, yippeeeeeee! That's AWESOME!
  • Awesome!
  • Good job!!!