Lurker coming out to say hi ;)

  • Hi I'm Jenn , I'm 23 and my goal is to lose 69 lbs and go from 194-125. I started calorie counting last month and I was shocked when I realized how many calories I was eating a day (2500-3000). So I cut out the soda and changed my eating habits dramatically. I lost 7 lbs last month and hope to get the rest off by next summer. I started exercising last week ago and really want to try the couchto5k program as soon as I can get some good running shoes. I have been lurking on the forums for the past few weeks and wanted to come out and introduce myself.
  • Welcome! Counting calories is really helpful and makes you realize what empty calories you are consuming. Soda is a definite empty calorie! If you do want that fizzy taste, try diet soda or the flavored fizzy water thats in grocery stores for like $.50 for a 1 liter bottle. Anyway, congratulations on the weight loss so far!
  • Hi Jenn,

    This place is amazing! By next summer we'll both be looking and feeling better!
  • Welcome! I am doing the couch to 5 k program and need new shoes as well. I was able to get into week 3 with my old shoes and am holding there, you can always walk in your old gym shoes if you don't want to run. Good Luck and welcome! This is a great place, I have lost about 20 lbs since joining a year ago!
  • Welcome to the site, see you around!