Pet/Nicknames for our S.O.

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  • As Mrs Dorson (sp sorry?) stated it would be neat to see what we call our cherished ones! All fun please no nasty names please!
  • my goofball when he's being silly

    and sexy butt...cuz he is!
  • My fiance and I call each other "Cucciolo" and "cucciola," Italian for "Puppy" (or rather, a lot of different baby animals, but especially puppy). But of course, cucciolo gets shorted by me to Cucci (coo-chi) and cucci face and, finally, just "cooch." But I don't mean cooch in THAT way

    I also call him "Poopie" and "Poopie face" and a few others too. It's weird, but I seem to call him the same names I call my 12-year-old golden retriever lol.
  • We're lame. (Oops - that word again! )


    Sometimes I call him sweetcheeks (only in private)
    Sometimes he calls me babycakes (sometimes in public!)

    Oh, and for the Seinfeld fans who'll get this: every once in a while we "Schmoopie" each other.


  • Quote: Oh, and for the Seinfeld fans who'll get this: every once in a while we "Schmoopie" each other.

  • We call each other bachula. It's Spanish baby talk for the work "basura", which means trash.

    Yes, we call each other trash. My parents don't get it either.
  • I have a few I've used over the years right now I have someone who I refer to as "pumpkin." But I've also used "love" in the past as well. So uncreative.

    I also was dog sitting this past week and called the dog both of those.

  • We call each other McFly. Yes, from Back to the Future. Go figure.
  • I don't think it's too bad, but I sometimes call him "lustybuns." I think mostly they're cute, but a little sexy (which disturbs alot of people, seeing two fat people call each other sexy nicknames).

    A lot of his friends do raise their eyebrows when he calls me "hottie," (and it's not like they're a bunch of babes, themselves. In fact, the babes of the group aren't the ones raising the eyebrows - they think it's "sweet").

    I do tend to be more likely to use the names in public, no matter how silly. Which I think is why hubby does the "I am Sweetie Pie" or whatever I call him in his superhero voice, in response. To cover his embarassment.
  • Oh, another "sweetie pie" story.

    My sister always called her oldest son, "pumkin" when he was little. We took him shopping when he was around three, and I called him "sweetie pie," and he said very indignantly "I'm not a tweetie pie, I'm a puntin."
  • Okay, I was just thinking about it and I remembered the weirdest name I gave to an SO. It was "Slater", as in AC Slater from Saved by the Bell. He got this nickname because of his toilet.

    ***Explanation not for people who don't get toilet humor*****

    He's German and I was living in Germany. His toilet was one of those weird ones that instead of a bowl, it had a shelf and at the very front of the toilet there was this deep hole. The only way I could figure out to get number 2 in the hole was to AC Slater the toilet, or sit on it backwards, like AC Slater would sit on every chair in the show. Thus, he became Slater.

    It wasn't until I had visited a lot more people's houses that I figured out that this type of toilet was common there. A whole country of Slaters!!!
  • I call him Snugglebuns (Have you noted the "buns" theme in a lot of our nicknames?) and that gets shortens to Snugs. He calls me Bunnies -- not Bunny, but the plural. He says that it is because if the "bunniness" in my soul...I'm not sure what that means, but I think I like it. At this point, I sign my notes to him with two quickly sketched rabbits -- embracing my inner, big-eared, buck-toothed spirit guides.
  • he is "sweetpea" and i am "babydoll".

    and honey and sweetie and the best?.................."sexy hunk of manmeat".
  • Lets see we use - cheeseball, horndog, your standard babe sweethears, lover, sweetcheeks, honey etc. Butt (lol) my fave is to call him trucker butt. He is a trucker who is very healthy and fit and has the rounded skater bum cheeks that are so great to grab. And so does not have a trucker butt.
  • My husband does not have a cute butt, he has no butt at all. He collects frogs - and looks a bit like a frog from the back, because his legs just come off his back with no real butt to speak of, like a frog's, so I call him frog butt.

    And after he calls me sexiehottiewife, I am horrible.