Hi everyone.

  • I’ve been lurking around this site for a while and have seen what a great support system it is. I have been somewhat overweight most of my life, but in the last four years I have gained so much I am now morbidly obese. Four years ago I had been recently divorced and was recovering from that when my mother died. She bled to death in the living room. I was there with her. Then six weeks later my younger brother died and six weeks after that my best friend died. All of them from cancer.

    I do not offer this as an excuse. I gained the weight. I ate myself into this situation. I was depressed. Yes. But that didn’t give me license to eat myself to death.

    To be truthful, I never knew what I looked like because I grew very good at not seeing myself in the mirror. But a few months ago the antidepressant meds I was taking kicked in and I became aware of my reality.

    So here I am. I am trying to decide if I should have the surgery. I am sixty-five years old. The surgery is an option as far as my Drs are concerned, but I would have to go to the US for it. I live in Toronto so that is not so far to go but it is still a little scary.

    Have you had many older members who have had the surgery?

  • You may be interested in a couple of sections around 3FC. There are age-based area support groups (one for 50+) and there's also a Weight Loss Surgery area. Either, or both, would be a good place to start. Ladies there may be able to help you out with any questions you have.

    Best of success no matter what your decision!
  • I just want to say and I wish you the very best and
  • to 3FC's

    We have a small but wonderful weight loss surgery board, the ladies there are fantastic. http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=78

    Good luck !!
  • Welcome and good luck!