Back and Heavier than ever!

  • Hello ladies...I'm not sure if anyone remembers me, but I posted a few months ago and lost 10 lbs. Well now I am back and heavier than ever (well not my highest ever thankfully, but still...) and just HORRIFIED at what happened. How could I gain 15 pounds in 6 months? I don't eat THAT badly- perhaps I am deluding myself? Am I so old now that my metabolism has slowed down?

    Anyways a bit about me in my absence...
    1. I hurt my foot in March, and it was painful to walk on for about 2 months. No one was able to tell me what was wrong with it (no broken bones, no arthritis). Even now it is still not fully healed, but I've learned to live with it.
    2. Since I started my new job in March, I'm absolutely exhausted every day after work. So much so that if I lay down after work, I would fall asleep instantly and sleep until 7 AM the next morning. Which is fun. If I convince myself to get up and move, I'm somewhat okay. Of course I told my doctor this, she did some blood tests and nothing came back. I guess it's just something else I will have to live with (yes, I'm having a pity party today).

    So, positive things! I signed up for a hip hop dance class and a bootcamp class, both one evening a week. I'm also going to do one evening of yoga a week, as well as continue swimming (I at least do that!). I've also tried to cut down on my eating the last few days so I'll soon be back in the swing of things

    I just feel like a worn down veteran of dieting...and it's depressing! I'm just mad that I could gain that much weight in 6 months, whereas before I gained only 10 lbs in 2 previous years of eating badly and not exercising AT ALL.

    Can't wait to talk to everyone on the boards!
  • my suggestion is don't change a thing about your eating habits today. Start writing it all down, ever morsel that goes in you mouth. THEN you'll see where the problem lies. If you say you don't eat THAT bad, maybe you'll find that you actually do eat bad.
    I'm sorry your back again, but at least you are taking the steps to improve and change.
  • Welcome back! Your story sounds much like mine! I have finally realized that for me, it's because of my age (I'm 47) and I just cannot eat/drink what I like and know that my daily hop on the treadmill will take care of it. Now I need to (gasp) use portion control. Isn't this place wonderful, though! I have gotten so much encouragement even before I joined (I lurked and looked at those fab goal albums!)

  • back!
  • Thanks for the welcomes and replies!

    ghost- my problem totally lies with overdoing it on snacks. I could munch on something every minute of the day if I wanted to! Even today which I considered a pretty good eating day, I had a couple of granola bars and some mini doughnuts, which is about 600 extra calories! It's just nuts.

    suenami- why does our metabolism have to slow down! I was with my future MIL this weekend and noticed that she REALLY watches her portions and only has a sweet as a once in a while treat. NO WAY sweets are a daily treat for me I guess that's why she's in her 50s and in good shape *sigh*
  • Welcome back. I hope things start going better for you and you stick around. I always say "keep coming back it works" I find without this site I couldn't lose weight.
  • Remeber- I think the problem happens when I STOP coming here! They'll never get rid of me this time!