McSkinney's Loozing Floozies--August/September (#36)

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  • The Floozies are a great bunch of ladies who've come to depend on each other for friendship and diet (and non-diet) support.

    If you're looking for a niche and would like to join our group, we'd love to have you give us a try.
  • Thank you for starting the new thread Cheryl sweetie pie!
  • Thanks Cheryl. I thought that it would load up faster but either my PC needs some clean up or the site is slow today.
  • Thanks Cheryl,
    The other thread was getting pretty long.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • You too Janice.
  • Thanks, Cheryl for starting this new thread. Hopefully we can keep it alive and on the main page.
  • Janice-Do you have a sparkpage? I did a search and couldn't find one. If you do, let me know, so I can add you as a friend.
  • Where is our sweet Suzie? Is she MIA??? I can't remember, but it seems like it has been severals days since she was around. I thought she had her trips out of the way.

    We are working on running a new water pump/well/water line today so will not be checking in much.
  • ANY SUSHI FANS OUT THERE??? We are ordering sushi for Larry's birthday dinner tonight. The kids are coming down. We don't often eat sushi so everyone is excited. I am making a couple of salads, serving shrimp and garlic bread and a home made key lime pie for dinner along side the 70 pieces of sushi. Yummy!

    That's a big job Gayle. How come you are replacing it?

    Suzy where are you? Gayle is right you are suppose to be home now.

    Shelley this spark page is that what you guys are talking about for posting on? I still don't know what that is. Let me in on the secret.
    Hey did you get Gayle's surprise? We are waiting....

    Janice if Shelley won't tell me what this spark thing is you tell me.
    It is cooler here today. Expect cooler weather. Boy what a big change since a couple of days ago.

    Cheryl what do you have planned for the weekend?
  • We have a water well about ready to not pump water anymore. The water table is so low here because of irrigation, dryness etc. ALL summer it has been a headache. We have been cleaning filters weekly inside of the house because once the water table drops, the pump picks up bits of sand. Eventually the well will run dry so we are tapping onto another well on the property. This will cost hundreds compared to a new well costing thousands plus we are planning on staying here only until something happens to my mother who lives next door. Soooooooo, instead of a vacation, new clothing etc. we are working on well issues. :-)

    Dee, I have never had sushi and probably never will. I can't bring myself to eat anything raw.
  • Dee-I will email you with info.

    I did receive the surprise and will send it on!! Thanks, Gayle!

    We saw Patty and Becky yesterday in Tampa. We got Patty a bit more settled. She is down $6000.00 on financial aid. It is going to be tough getting her through college, but we will make it happen. When we left, people were starting to come for her spaghetti dinner she was hosting. Becky called us later and said practically the whole apartment building showed up to hang out. She actually made the sauce in her dorm, but then moved to the lobby. I'm glad it turned out well. I think she is very nervous on the inside, but not showing it on the outside. She has had major stomach problems since she left home.
  • Shelley I had seen on FAce Book that you went out to visit the girls. I am glad that you were able to go see them. I am not sure who was more excited; you or the girls!
    Wow Patty made spegetti for everyone. Great way to make friends. Good for her. Nice idea. I am sure that she must be nervous, Dez was but didn't say much. I couldn't even go with her when she moved away to collage because I had just had back surgery. I felt awful.
    How far away is Becky from her?
    Money is alway a problem that seems to work it's way out. Try for more grants or scholarships maybe you can get some extra that way.

    Gayle we had a wonderful meal last night. The sushi that we order is not raw, it is sticky rice with seaweed and other fillings such as smoked salmon, avacodo, cucumber, mushroom,crab, tempera shrimp, tuna, etc. There is only one that we order raw and Larry is the only one that will eat it. It looked so colorful on the tray. I should have taken a picture but by the time I thought of it we had eaten most of it. It was a fun night. Larry had a great birthday and of course getting gifts helped since he worked in the yard until 3:00 yesterday.
    Didn't you have problems with your well last year? I remember you talking about it. I thought that you had put in a new well. You are lucky that you have another well that you can tap into. I should have sent you some of the rain we had this year. We had so much that for the longest time we didn't use the pool.

    It is cooler out again today. Larry is out washing his car with all the new toys Dez bought him.
    I think that we will go to mom and dad's today. We haven't seen them in a few weeks. We won't be seeing them next weekend as we will be away.

    Dez is all hyped to go start nursing school next week. She will be in collage for 20 months non stop except a week here and there after exams. I am happy for her. She is fortunately that she has the metis federation paying for her education and books ( Jay did too) thank goodness for my ancesters. She also had unemployment paying her living expenses since she is going into nursing. That is the only course that they pay you. Plus she has a scholarship for $5000. She might be short a bit but I think that it will work out.

    Well better run to see how the car washer is doing.

    Love you all.
  • Dee-I'm glad Larry had a nice birthday-sushi and all. Dez is very lucky that her college is all paid for. Becky was too. She just lives across the street from Patty in the sorority house. Did you get my email about SP?
  • Dee- I have never tried Sushi I don't like raw stuff.
    Had a nice time at the wedding on the weekend.
    I will let you know my sparks page Shelley. Today IS the day I'm getting back on track!!!!!!
  • Shelley, thanks I got your email.

    Where do you and Janice post and what is your name? It looks like a great site.

    It is going to warm up here again today. The last few days have felt like fall. Now we are back to summer.