Insane Bean Passion

  • I bought a two-pack package of Haricot Verts (I think about a lb each) from Sam's Club a couple days ago. They're a very thin green bean, and I'm in love.

    I roasted them:

    Tossed the beans from one package in a ziploc bag with two tsp of canola oil, then tossed in big tablespoon of ranch dressing powder, garlic powder, black pepper, and a dash of seasoned salt (generic for Lawry's).

    Poured into glass baking dish and baked at 425 degrees for about 20 minutes (stirred once halfway through).


    Hubby didn't eat many, just enough to say he did have a serving of vegetables (about the size of a 4 year old's serving) and I ate the rest. Half at dinner, and half as a snack.

    I am in love - scary love, with these beans. I was tempted to roast up a second batch TONIGHT. Ok a vegetable binge, is not a terrible thing, except I have IBS and eating 2 lbs of green beans in a day might not be a great idea, though I tend to have fewer digestive problems with green beans than most veggies (see I'm already trying to justify cooking up another pound - but it's almost bedtime, so I think I can resist).

    They were almost $6 for the two pack, so that's a bit more expensive than local fresh grean beans, but in the winter, I will be buying these ALOT.

    I don't think I've ever had green beans call to me from the fridge before - but I hear 'em.
  • Sound good. Are they fresh or frozen? I'll have to try.

    I'm addicted to dry roasting chick peas. No oil, just bake at 450 for 30 min and then add any seasonings...yum!
  • They're fresh, but washed and trimmed.