hello! looking for some answers :)

  • Hello everyone- I am curious to how well this sbd would work for me... I am currently doing low carb with a catch- I am a vegetarian. Is south beach vegetarian compatable? I have done atkins before when I used to eat meat, now I am basically doing the same things such with meat substitutes(soy based and such)...

    Any info would be appreciated!!!
  • if you eat eggs and dairy products it's very do able.

    I only eat one meat meal a day. I have eggs for breakfast with vegtable juice, snack on almonds, string cheese and cottage cheese throughout the day and have a large salad with cheese for lunch. I usually only eat meat with dinner and even then only have a little.

    If you;re already successful doing low carb I don't see how your couldn't do SBD.
  • If you google "vegetarian south beach" you will find alot of information and even entire websites geared toward vegetarians on south beach.
  • rdw, we have several Beachers here who are vegetarian and are doing very well following the plan. I like to use Morningstar crumbles in recipes that call for ground beef, and use many other Morningstar and BocaBurger products. This plan is very adaptable to a vegetarian diet.
  • I eat meat, but I realize...I eat a lot less meat than I used to. Better for ya, less expensive!
  • I think you will do well on SB. It is very compatible with a vegetarian lifestyle.
  • Thanks everyone! I think I will continue to do low carb for the next couple of days and go get the book this morning so I can start reading it... Sounds like this may be the plan for me!

    Think I will check with the local library as well to see if they have it so I don't have to purchase it!