Numbers Challenge!!

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  • I believe weight loss is a numbers game and I'm planning on winning. Calories in vs. calories out. My plan is to eat fewer calories, and burn more calories. Numbers . . . no matter how you slice it.

    This is a numbers based challenge and if you are interested in setting and achieving a goal, please join us.

    My number is 7. I want to stay ON PLAN 7 days this week.

    Your number can be anything. Working out 60 minutes per day, 30 minutes, 15 minutes . . . whatever will challenge you THIS WEEK. Maybe your number is based on calories eaten, calories burned, fiber, or something else.

    The challenge runs Monday to Monday. You can keep the same challenge the next week, or pump it up a bit to keep you working harder and staying motivated.

    Start a thread with your goal and keep us updated throughout the week. We will use this thread for 4 weeks.

    Good luck!!!
  • I've been a real putz for WEEKS about logging my points so my goal this week is to do 7 days ON PLAN. Logging every single speck of food or beverage in my mouth and staying within my Points.

    Monday, August 11th - STAY ON PLAN!!
    Tuesday, Aug. 12th - I fell off plan.
    Wednesday, Aug. 13th - GET BACK ON PLAN!!
  • ok here we go lets do this!!!!!!!!! my goals are going to be average of 2000 cals 200 min of cardio and to get in at least 4 servings of vegetables everyday!!! im not sure what the recommended amount is lol but 4 is more than im getting now so ill start there lol and weights 4 times this week.
    8/11- 1771 cals, 47 min cardio, 1 weights 4 servings of veggies
    8/12- 2415 cals, 82 min cardio, 6 servings of veggies (my cals are so high cause i could not stop eating watermelon!! its so goooood!!!)
    8/13- 2180 cals, 80 min cardio, 4 servings of veggies, 1 weights
  • For me, drinking water is really important to stay on track and lose weight. For some reason, when I drink enough water, my cravings are reduced. And of course, the appetite is reduced too. So, for this week, my goal is to drink atleast 1.5L of water per day, and I am aiming for 3L.

    8/11: drank 1.5L yay
    8/12: drank 1.5L
    8/13: drank about 2.25L
    8/14: ?
    8/15: ?
    8/16: ?
    8/17: drank almost 1.5L
    8/18: didn't drink enough water!!!!
  • welcome trooworld! good luck with your goal!
  • Hey gang. After the first "Numbers Challenge", I sort of fizzled out, but I'm ready to get back into it. My goal for this week is to average 60 minutes of exercise for 7 days straight--so 420 total minutes in a week! Lofty goal, but my tv went out so the only time I can watch is at the gym! I'm too cheap to buy a new one right now!

    8/11 - 85 minutes on the eliptical
    8/12 - 85 minutes on the eliptical
    8/13 - 0--I was a slug
    8/14 - 100 minutes on the elipitcal (270/420)
    8/15 - 80 minutes on the eliptical (350/420)
  • My number is 9....I can not wait to be a single size jean girl!!!
  • Welcome Troo, jenjen, and Jazzyjazz!!

    I logged all my points yesterday! Wasn't easy because there were a LOT of points consumed, but I'm on track. Now I just have to behave the rest of the week!
  • Haleygirl82: Thanks for the welcome! And good luck with your goal too.

    mugsy: you are doing great! You can do it!

    Hello everyone else!
  • Well, here it is Wednesday, and I'm (once again!) starting over. Yesterday was just plain BAD.

    So . . . I'm not going to earn a star for the week, but I AM starting over. I'm GOING to stay ON PLAN for the rest of the week!!
  • I'm in, a bit late though. I can not think about a diet without having a spreadsheet in excel with 100s of numbers. (calories, weight loss, expected weight loss, measurements etc...) So I love numbers!

    My goal number would be 5, but as the number should only count for the first week, I'll go with 40. As in 40% of my calories should come from protein.As a calorie counter it happens quickly, but I don't want to lose muscle mass!
  • Welcome Quillie!! Sounds like you have a great goal!!
  • This week has been a total bust for me!! I've been partying my brains out!!

    So, it's Thursday morning and I'm STARTING OVER AGAIN!!

    I hope you all are doing better than I am.

    Troo - how's all that water going down??

    Haley & jenjen - it looks like you guys are kicking some fanny!!

    I'm so glad you all are doing so well!! PLEASE drag me along with you!!
  • The water is going down pretty well. I am keeping my 1.5L bottle with me pretty much at all times. I haven't drank much water yet this morning though. I'd better get on it! Hang in there, Mindy. You will get over this rough spot.
  • well im not getting my star once again!!!!!!!!!!!