3fc Back 2 School ~ Labor Day 5k

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  • Is it already time for another 5K? You bet it is

    We have had such great results from our first four 5K's that we can't stop now! Our 5th 5K will be... BACK 2 SCHOOL ~ LABOR DAY 5K. As we head into those final days of summer with backyard BBQ's and LAY-Z days, we need to start thinkin' about getting our butts organized for those hectic school days ahead! Well....those that still have kids at home need to

    For those that are new, or not sure what is going on here, we are about to enter our 5th 5K as a group. We do a 5K, which is 3.1 miles, on or about the same day supporting each other with our results and experiences. We have found out that it almost impossible not to fit into one of our categories...if you can't find one, we will make one for you!

    ALL SIGN-UPS and your NUMBERS will be posted in the post following this one. After you post and I reply that you are in, you may go to it and find your number. I try to make the list colorful and fun...with my very limited artistic and mental skills I do have some nicknames and name variations for some of you. If I offend you in anyway please PM me and I will change it...if you do not have a nickname please PM me and I will get you one. Some are easy and some, because our "history" together is limited, are difficult...some I am sure just HATE it! Sorry

    ALL RESULTS will be posted in this thread. I tried to separate sign-ups and results before and it just became too confusing. I am hoping this works.

    DATE OF THIS 5K ~ SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 thru MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 This gives us almost a month to train and 3 days to complete it or do several of them if we want.


    ELITE ~ For those that do this for a living!

    SEMI-ELITE ~ For those that walk/run 5K's on a regular basis

    VIRGINS NO MORE For all of you that started here as VIRGINS and are now experienced

    VIRGINS ~Self explanatory

    BALL and CHAIN ~ Grab that significant other and get them moving

    TREADMILL ~ Yes you can do it on a

    SWIMMING ~or by water

    I'D RATHER READ A BOOK ~ nothing wrong with that...but maybe it's time to MOVE IT! just a little

    ME and MY MACHINE ~ or by or or or you can 'rastle yer 3.1 miles if ya want...not picky here

    DANCE ~ dance it

    I WANT MY MOMMY or FAMILY PLANNING ~ Take the kids


    INSTALLMENT ~ Take a few days to finish it if you need to

    ME and MY SHADOW ~ Got a dog? or a cat? how 'bout a pet

    CAN'T AFFORD GAS NO MORE! ~ Time to look for an alternative to your transportation needs?

    EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ~ The dates aren't good for you? Well too bad! You can do it anytime, we accept ALL entries!

    NEIGHBORS ARE TALKING ~ Are you looking so good the neighbors are talking? well get out there and show it off!

    SHOP TIL YOU DROP ~ A few miles around the mall works for us too

    YARD PARTY ~ Mowing the grass and weed whacking for about an hour will do!


    I LOVE A PARADE ~ Bring your friends ~ wear your costumes!

    As you can see, we will find a way to get you in....give it a shot...we have had some amazing success stories...unfortunately many of them went BYE BYE in THE CRASH!

    Time for new stories! Time to try something new! Time to get up and MOVE IT!!

    #1 ~ LORI-2-BUCKETS

    #2 ~ ISABELLA

    #3 ~ RANDI

    #4 ~ SHELBY789

    #5 ~ ZINKEMOMX2

    #6 ~ SCOOTER MaMa

    #7 ~ GATORAMANDA still my mate


    #9 ~BIG BIRD

    #10 ~ LITTLE BIRD

    #11 ~ JENGUIN she get's it!

    #12 ~ SUNSHINE CA

    #13 ~ FRIEDGREEN


    #15 ~ LOVNMOM

    #16 ~ PUCK

    #17 ~ luck of the IRISHKATT

    #18 ~ JESSICA

    #19 ~SHAY

    #20 ~ TOFUHEAD

    #21 ~ MANICK still21

    #22 & #23 ~ JAMIE and DH

    #24 ~ MODCAT44

    #25 ~ BETSY

    #26 ~ SEPHYFOWL

    #27 ~ 21+6=27 STEPH

    #28 ~ VALPAL

    #29 ~ MJ5

    #30 ~ RHONDA

    #31 ~ JUDIPURPLE

    #32 ~ CheRee

    #33 ~ FB

    #34 ~ CYNDIM

    #35 ~ MINDY

    #36 ~ PINK Geranium

    #37 ~ SUNSHINE CA

    #38 ~ DUMPLIN

    #39 ~ INKYMAMA

    #40 ~ BETH-BETH

    #41 ~ ZELMA

    #42 ~ BABY CATCHER

    #43 ~ BRANDNEWME



    #46 ~ ALLISON and DH

    #47 ~ MONTE CRISTO

    #48 ~

    #49 ~

    #50 ~ AndLy

    #51 ~

    #52 ~

    #53 ~

    #54 ~ EZ$$$

    #55 ~ s0nali

    #56 ~

    #57 ~

    #58 ~

    #59 ~

    #60 ~ EZ$$$'s MUCH BETTER HALF

    #61 ~

    #62 ~

    #63 ~

    #64 ~

    #65 ~

    #66 ~

    #67 ~

    #68 ~

    #69 ~ BLUEtoBLUE

    #70 ~

    #71 ~

    #72 ~

    #73 ~

    #74 ~ ALWE74

    #75 ~

    #76 ~

    #77 ~

    #78 ~

    #79 ~ WYNDYMOON

    #80 ~

    #81 ~

    #82 ~ WRITERMOM and JET


    #84 ~

    #85 ~

    #86 ~

    #87 ~

    #88 ~

    #89 ~

    #90 ~

    #91 ~

    #92 ~

    #93 ~ RONNI

    #94 ~ AMY

    #95 ~

    #96 ~

    #97 ~

    #98 ~


    #100 ~ NIKKIJO

    #101 ~

    #1253 It's GREEK to me HAT TRICK
  • I'm in again! I don't have a number preference - will be semi-elite again.
  • I'm in again too. I would like to stay #79 if that's alright.
  • Count me in. I'm a retired teacher so I really look forward to September. I'm semi-elite.
  • Count me in too!! I'm thinking of joining the "yard party" crew -- since I've been losing weight and becoming more active my husband has been "making" me mow the front yard with the push mower (I still do the back with the rider, I'm not stupid!!) -- So I'll save the grass that week for the weekend . Besides, that weekend is our anniversary -- I'll let you know if he forgets (like he has the last 3 years ) and then I can do two, three, four, etc. 5K's!!
  • I'm in again please. No number preference
  • Count me in again for sure!! I love having these!! Thanks again for all the work that you do to keep these going!!
  • I can't break my streak now - count me in (number 6 again, if you please)

    I had a GREAT time doing the last one!
    Thanks Gary!
  • Blimey I just got finished this one

    Big Bird and Little Bird signing up again.
  • Sign me up! I will try to make it a family bday 5K at our house as one DD's and DH's bdays are both the following week. Number doesn't matter but I guess I fall into semi-elite.
  • Lucky #7 is in it to win it! Goal is to beat previous 5k time on 34:20!!! This will be great because I'll be a first year teacher this year - 6th Grade World History....and can't let my running suffer! Thanks EZ!

    p.s. can we still be running mates?
  • Hi EZ!

    I'm in this time! I'm going to do mine by walking or swimming or a combination of both.

    You can pick any number you want for me.
  • Oooh, well #21 will let me keep my signature the same...but really, it doesn't matter! Thanks EZ! A new goal to reach for!
  • ~making doubly sure to get my John Hancock in this time~

    Sweet-nnnnn-Sassyfied reporting for duty Sir!