
  • Hi there! Just wanted to say hello! I am 50 years old and need to lose weight in order to maintain my mobility. I can feel myself stiffening up. My weight has crept up and up for most of my life with very few successful attempts at dieting (by successful I mean managing to stick it out for more than 2 days!).

    My highest ever weight was 224 lbs. I have attached a picture of me at that weight. I lost 6 stone very fast about 18 months ago and then put four of them back on again I started using Dietpower about 5 weeks ago and have lost around 16 pounds so I am pleased. My current weight is 178.8 lbs. I have decided to slow down my rate of loss now because I am scared of getting back into the binge eating pattern. My short term goal is to be "overweight" by the end of August
  • to 3FC's

    Congratulations on your WL, fantastic !!!

    Good Luck
  • WELCOME! Grats on your recent success!
  • So glad to have you joining us, Chickie . . . . . . hope you'll drop in and visit us on the Age 50+ Forum . . . . . . all of us who are "of a certain age" would love to get to know you better. However, I do know that you will receive a big, warm, welcoming wherever you decide to post on this great big and very friendly community.
  • Hello and

    This is a great place to be for support. I'm glad you found us!!!
  • Welcome!
  • welcome!

    what is diet whatever you said. weve alot in common ive cp so i need to lose to regain mobility as well.