New to WW

  • I've been on 3FC for some time now, but this is my first time on the Weight Watchers community here. I just joined WW this evening at my local location but knowing my own habits and past failures with weight loss (and WW), I'm starting all over again. My approaches in the past didn't work, so my goal this time is to approach gaining health in smaller steps and aiming to be in the present rather than focusing on the future.

    So, here I am. Just wanted to introduce myself.
  • to WW!! I am not offically a WW 'member' but I follow the program at home with the help of 3FC. I wouldn't be able to do it without it! I've talked my best friend who is doing ww with me to come here and check it out bc she has been off program this last week and gained and she is bummed and discouraged...
    I just can't say this enough: I LOVE 3FC!!
  • welcome! I don't have a lot of experience with WW, but I wish you the best of luck!
  • Hey Julz! You can do it! WW totally works, just take it one day at a time. Like you said, be in the present. The future will take care of itself. Good luck!
  • As the others have said, you're going to like it here. It's a very friendly forum where the members are always ready to lend a helping hand. Look around, jump in, and make yourself at home. We have many wonderful groups for Core, Flex, at Home members, and many general places. Let me know if I can be any help.
  • Welcome, Welcome!!!
    Congrats on making the move towards a healthier you. I love WW and have learned so much not only about food, but also about how/why I would sabatoge myself using other plans. It really is a lifestyle change and NOT a "diet". GL! This board is great! I have "lurked" here for years, but finally intro'd myself today as well.

  • Welcome!

    I still consider myself relatively new to following WW, or attempting to, but I love it. It's the first plan I keep wanting to work on rather than giving up. I find no fault with WW, rather, I'm figuring out patterns in my own behavior and loss, and keep trying to overcome my shortcomings in following the plan.

    The support here is wonderful. I work on WW at-home (rather than going to meetings or using WW Online). I come here for support and information, and love it!

    Good luck!