i'm ready to do this!

  • I just weighed. I'm 190 lbs. 5'4". My current goal weight is 145 lbs. I've got 45 lbs. to shed for good. I've done a big weight loss once before (although obviously it was not for good), and I just have to believe I can do it again for keeps!

    I'm a 38-year old mom to 2 boys, married, living in Atlanta. I am a binge eater -- in fact, fighting the urge tonight to raid the kitchen is what led me here! I am also in counseling right now which I hope will help a lot.

    This looks like such a great community! I'm looking forward to hanging out here, giving & getting support.
  • Welcome!

  • From one binge eater to another... this place is a savior! I binge eat and I'm an emotional eater as well! So I binge eat and then get upset about it and eat some more! Bad combo! One feeds off the other!
    You'll find just about everything you need here from support to real honest advice and recipes and just absolutely fabulous people!
  • . . . glad to have you joining us . . . come and visit often, Chickie -- it is definitely difficult to eat and type at the same time.
  • Thanks for the welcome! This place is amazing -- it's so great to read & see all of these fabulous stories. I'm inspired.
  • Welcome and good luck!