Year Of The KOPS!

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  • Hi all,

    I just wanted to find out how many on this board are planning to make this year their year to be a KOPS?

    If you can truly make it to KOPS this year and you want that as your goal then post here. We can keep this thread going and update it along our way.

    HI My name is Sherri and I will be a KOPS this year. I am 180 lbs now and I have 40 lbs to lose.

    3/21/02 = 180 lbs
    4/402 = 177 lbs
    4/18 = 176 1/2

    Goal weight 140 lbs

  • Great idea sherri!

    My name is Penny and my goal weight is 140!

    My current weight is 180.50 and I WILL MAKE MY GOAL THIS YEAR!!!!! I have not been attending TOPS lately so I may not be a KOP but I will be a WINNER!

    Goal Weight: 140

    Weigh In Day: Monday's

    Date: 3/25/02 180.50
    Update: 4/08/02 180
    4/15/02 179
    4/22/02 176.50
    4/29/02 173
    5/13/02 172.50
    5/20/02 170.50
    9/18/02 163.50
    9/30/02 159.5

    19.50 Pounds to Goal!
  • Kops maybe not but a loser for sure
    my name is Wendy

    Current Weight: 200
    4/8= 199.75
    4/15= 199
    4/29=196 68 till kops statis
    5/20 =196 68 till kops statis this is still correct. I had a gain of .5 a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm back down.
    6/10 =193 65 till kops statis
    6/17 65 till kops statis (stayed the same)
    Goal Weight: 120
    6/24 192.5
    8/5 190.5
    8/12 190
    Pounds to Lose: at least 60unless I decide to go with 110
  • Great idea!!! I love it! Sherri, you are one heck of a gal!

    My name is Tammy (CC)

    Current Weight: 153.25
    Goal Weight: 140.0

    Weigh in day: Tuesdays

    I WILL make KOPS this year, hopefully before June 1, but definately before Xmas.
  • Hey Ladies,

    Thanks for joining me. Sounds like we are going to have a lot of kops here by the end of the year.

    Way to go girls. We can do this. And we will.

    Anybody else think they can make KOPS this year? Join us and we will make the journey together.

  • Count me in tooo ladies
    I am with you great ladies! I too will be a Kops again this year
    Only 5 more pounds to goal so I am hoping to hit it by May or no later than July

    Weight now- 150
    Kops goal - 145

    Lets do it ladies!!!
  • Back to KOPS status
    What a great idea, Sherri!

    My name is Liz (Wild Rose) and I have 5 pounds to lose to regain my KOPS status.

    My goal was to do this by Easter, but that's not going to happen, as Easter is only a few days away.

    My new target date is June 1. That gives me April and May to get serious about losing those last 5 pounds (the hardest ones). I need to increase my activity level, so with spring just around the corner I should be out walking more.

    Starting: 154 1/4
    Apr 6/02: 154
    Goal: 150

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Reinstated KOPS in 2002
    Hello Ladies!

    I have about 15 pounds to get back to goal. I would like to get down to 7 under! But I WILL BE A KOPS AGAIN THIS YEAR!

    Thanks for starting this thread. It is a good idea, and I really think it will help us. WE WILL DO THIS! We have taken the first step by writing it down HERE. Write yourself a note and put it somewhere you will see it every day (the refrigerator door?). That should keep it in our minds.

    I have just been playing with this weight for a couple of years. But I have pledged to myself that I will get serious and get it off. And now I pledge to you that I will do it!

    We can all make it happen if we just put our minds to it!

    Don't do it for your family, your chapter, your friends, DO IT FOR YOURSELF!

    Your TOPS friend,

    04/19/02 4 1/2 pounds gone forever! I'm on my way~~~how is everyone else doing?
    05/12/02 9 pounds total forever gone!
  • Just bringing this up so that the KOPS in waiting can post their progress. I updated mine.

  • Hi all I have 24 lb. to goal! I will make Kops this year! I'm so glad to meet all of you and together we will succeed!


    Weight recorder 2002-03
  • Just bringing it up. We should record our successes along the way. So we know that every little loss does add up.

  • Hi everyone, my name is Kimmy and I'm going to try to be a regular poster here. I work 12 hour shifts, so sometimes it will be a couple of days between. But anyway, I will be reinstated as a KOPS this year and graduate at IRD next year (I never graduated the first time). I have 40 lbs to remove as of yesterday on my home scale. I can only weigh in every other week at meetings because of my work schedule. Nice to "meet" you all, and I hope to "see" you in the chat room sometime!

    ~KimmyKat, TOPS #UT 10, Midvale
  • Year of KOPS
    Hi my name is Linlin.

    I joined TOPS 7 weeks ago.

    I have managed to lose 12lbs. so far with no gains

    I have been cheating a bit but are back on track.

    I weigh 202 and hope to lose 52 lbs. to reach my goal this year.

    Talk to you soon

    TOPS Fonthill ON464
  • bring it up