Who Else Is Missing HOCKEY, And How Has Your Team Changed????

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  • Okay, guys, only about nine more weeks and the pre-season games start!!! YEE-HAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Are you around, techwife?)

    My Carolina Hurricanes have lost Erik Cole ... that's the bad thing ... but we had to lose a good forward in order to get a good defenseman. He's the only 'Cane that I've had my arm around ... for a picture at a golf tournament. I wish him well, except for when he plays us! We also lost John Grahame, our back-up goalie, but that's okay, and for the best, I think.

    The new schedule is released tomorrow. (Hope we have a New Year's Eve game here again, as we've had the last two years.) So it's not too early to say ...

    GO 'CANES!!!
  • SERIOUS WITHDRAWL HERE!!! We didn't lose anyone we really liked...Kalinin comes to mind. But we did get a great fighter from the Sharks! Craig Rivet! At least this July wasn't as traumatic as last year losing our two capitains! That was dreadful!!

    Bring on pre-season!!

    GO SABRES!!!!!
  • I am a fan of the Dallas Stars, as I am from Dallas. They did really well this past season, I look forward to seeing them go far next season. Hopefully I can catch a few more games. I only got to go to one. My boyfriend is a fan of the Kings, because he's from California. I made fun of him for liking one of the worst teams.
  • Click on the link....if it works

  • I had to check out this thread! My hockey brain has been shut down for the summer, so I have nothing sensible to say. However, my husband is a hockey FREAK, and I can't help but absorb stuff during the season. Luckily he's found a message board to "talk to" over the summer, so I'm off duty for now. But it's good to know there's somewhere to talk hockey on here, if the need arises!

    Go Flyers!
  • GO SABRES!!!! Remember how good we were and then the next season how much we stunk?! Yeah I'm in VA, homegrown in Buffalo and my Sabres and Bills support won't die even when I don't or can't watch them.

    Sabres didn't change much. They got a defenseman but thats about it. I don't think it will compensate for Campbell Just like nothing compensated for Briere and Drury!
  • Quote:
    Go Flyers!
    I have a Briere jersey you can have for cheap!!
  • Techwife... You are a Sabres fan too, eh?

  • Oh, no!!! I'm outnumbered by Sabres fans on here already!!! GO 'CANES!!!

  • Quote: Techwife... You are a Sabres fan too, eh?
    Um, yeah, we're slightly obsessed. I'm a new hockey fan, though, not really understanding it until my DH started watching the playoffs (the last year they were wearing red and black unis) and he explained the whole game, I got to 'know' the players and I became a huge Briere fan. I've been glued to the Sabres roller coaster ride ever since. I used to be an obsessed Bills fan (still a fan, just not obsessed anymore), but I've discovered hockey is more fun to watch than football...and the players are cuter.

    I wasn't a HUGE Soupy fan...I liked him, but I think Rivet is going to add a nice layer of experience to the team. I'd say we're about even between Campbell and Rivet. I do miss him, though. I especially liked his hyper hydrosis commercials on MSG. My new favorites are Pominville, Vanek and Kaleta. I didn't like Roy too much a couple years ago, but he's grown into a nice maturity that has really made a difference on the team last year. And, of course, who doesn't LOVE Afinogenov!!

    Babe: You know it had to happen!!
  • Quote: I have a Briere jersey you can have for cheap!!

    Do you have a Biron?
  • Quote: Do you have a Biron?
  • Techwife, would you BELIEVE that my wonderful Cory Stillman is now going to play for those nasty Florida Panthers???!!! I was just getting ready to put his name on my jersey when he was traded North. Now it will be Scotty Walker ... So the new schedule is out! We do have a New Year's Eve game ... the Atlanta Thrashers, so that will be fun. Techie, our last home game will be against your guys ... which will be a beat-down BY US, of course!

    GO 'CANES!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Quote: Techie, our last home game will be against your guys ... which will be a beat-down BY US, of course!

    GO 'CANES!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You could smack us down. A lot remains to be seen at the beginning of each year. Last year I was very unoptimistic after losing Briere and Drury, but this year, I'm excited to see how our young team comes out on the ice.

    Panthers...bleh. You know, the Sabres' AHL team has been the Rochester Amerks since I can remember (I grew up in Rochester and it's just always been that way) but this year, the Amerks are now the AHL team for the Panthers and the Sabres are now working with the Portland Pirates. Weird. I just can't imagine the Sabres/Amerks working with anyone else. Apparently the owner of the Amerks is a total tool and blew the relationship up.

    Anyhow...I apologize in advance for the potentially rude behavior of the Sabres fans. We're just really feverish for a Championship is all and all Buffalo sports fans are getting cranky ...a Superbowl would be nice, as well!!!

    We just signed Miller (YOMAMMAWEEN!) for five years! I'm not a HUGE fan of his skills, but he's a good guy and good for morale at the very least. I'm happy we signed him.
  • I'm a hockey fan and I'm missing it quite a bit...but I think my team is gonna have a pretty good year... hopefully just as great as last year.. I mean...the Red Wings did win the cup afterall And I'm looking forward to watching college hockey as well.