Don’t Wait, Your Life is Calling …

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  • And the story unfolds...

    OK, when my father died in his 50s, he was pushing 500 lbs. Needless to day, I am genetically predisposed to being overweight. I faced many challenges as a child, and learned to be an emotional eater at a very young age. Combine that with parents and grandparents that thought food was the panacea for all ills, and it is no surprise that I have battled my weight for most of my life.

    I spent many, many years losing and gaining the same 80 lbs. The cycle is a familiar one: find a new diet, commit, work like a dog, fall of the wagon, give up, slowly re-gain some weight, realize that I had failed – yet again, give up, gain more weight.

    And, what does it really matter, anyway? So, I am a bit chunky. I am successful in other areas of my life. I have great kids, I have a career where I help a lot of people, I have a wonderful church family that loves and appreciates me, I have an adoring husband that loves me unconditionally. I have a nice “fat girl” wardrobe that is professional and fun and makes me feel OK about myself. Who needs to be thin, anyway?

    … and the cycle continues – over and over.

    Then, with age 50 is just around the corner, I slowly realized that I CAN’T do all of the things I want to do. I can’t hike with the kids. I no longer cross-country ski. I abhor cleaning the house. I have neglected my gardens. And - if I keep up like this, what will the future hold?

    So, how did it come to this?

    Slowly, sneakily, stealthily - a pound here, less activity there, leisure activities that require no physical effort. Who has time to exercise anyway? Portion control and mindless – emotional eating have always been at the heart of my food issues. I like food – too much. Eating triggers something in my brain that makes me feel good. It makes me happy. It comforts me.

    It is said, that the definition of insanity is to do the same things over and over again, expecting different results. Thus, if I was to lose weight - yet again, it had to be different this time. No diet. No deprivation. No regimented plans bound by time goals.

    I have read hundreds of articles and books on losing weight. I know the science and the math involved. I can spout out the calorie count for most foods the way a baseball fan knows RBIs. Obviously knowledge is not enough. Action was required. A PLAN was required.

    And thus began my journey to health and fitness on July 4, 2007. The journey has evolved; the plan has changed as the year has unfolded. It will continue to change. That is the way it is with lifestyle changes.

    Currently, I count calories, eat 6 times daily, exercise 5-6 hours per week, balance 40/30/30 (carb, fat, protein) my calories, limit simple carbohydrate rich foods, and drink plenty of water.

    Accountability and community are two new pieces for me on my weight loss journey. Recording my weight, exercise, and food intake; and using the information to adjust my plan has really been eye-opening. And I can’t stress enough, the importance of community. Finding 3FC in August was a God-send! My husband was getting really tired of my soliloquies on weight loss. My friends were in the same place. I needed to connect with people that “get it”. People that wouldn’t think I was crazy for getting excited about being able to do a push up, or finding a great salad dressing or the marvels of a “stretchie” band.

    Through 3FC, I have learned that it really is about life-style changes. It is about learning, and growing, and getting back on plan when you stray. It is about celebrating success, comforting each other, and holding each other accountable. Thanks to the wonderful maintainers here, I have learned that I can expect to follow my plan for the rest of my life. They have taught me that maintenance is hard work, but it is doable, and it is worth it.

    I couldn’t have done this without all of you. YOU made the difference for me. And, if you are still reading this, I leave you with one last thought:

    If I can do this, YOU can do this. It IS worth the effort, sacrifices, and changes that you need to make. It won’t happen overnight, which is actually a good thing. You will grow, and change along the way. Enjoy the journey – celebrate each and every day that God has given you. Love yourself enough to do what is required to succeed.

    Do it now - don’t wait, your life is calling.

  • Congratulations! What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing. Enjoy being a maintainer; can't wait to join you!

  • This is a great post.Thank you, CountingDown.
  • Oh geez, I've got tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing your very special story! I know that so many others are going to read it and know that they, too can do what is required to succeed.

    Your thoughtful and caring posts and your active and vibrant participation in our community have made 3FC a better place for all of us.
  • That's beautiful!! Thank you!!
  • I am so happy for you! As soon as I saw your avatar had changed, I rushed right over here to see if you had posted. You have done a wonderful job and I have really enjoyed reading your posts as you progressed. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration!!!!!!
  • Good for you! I'm so happy for your success.

    And thanks for the tips so that others of us may join you in the future.
  • WOW Counting. You are totally awesome and you look fabulous!!! I am so proud of you and I hope you keep chatting with us over on the red team! I'd really miss you if you didn't. You totally inspire me to get up out of this slump I've been in.
  • I'm just starting the journey (for the 3rd time in the past 5 years). You guys are an inspiration!

    I GAINED weight on WW, so am looking for any and all suggestions. Off to go read more threads.
  • Again congrats!! Your story rings so familiar and true to me and I'm certain many others out there!
  • CountingDown You are such an inspiration to all of us! You've definitely brought tears to my eyes. Your such a great person. Congrats on accomplishing your goals!!! I hope you still post with us on the Red team
  • Congrats, Counting!!!!

    You look so gorgeous and FIT (I almost missed your pics -- folks - make sure you open the pic link!).

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story!!!!!
  • Congratulations Counting!! You are truly an amazing inspiration!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
  • Counting Down--Congrats on reaching goal. You don't know me but I have been watching your ticker and WL post on the red team. I was excited for you getting to goal. The last two sentences of your post came right on time for me. I just decided two minutes ago prior to reading your post to start a "Love Me" campaign. I'm not doing a good job of that right now so I am determined to make a more concerted effort.
  • WHOO HOO! Congratulations you smokin' hot mamma!!! Way to go!