Anyone tried VitaBrownies?

  • VitaBrownies are pretty danged good if ya ask me.

    100 calories of chocolate goodness. The muffins are good, too. Just trying to do my part to product test before I come online and let y'all know about them.

    A word of advice tho...I found the in the frozen foods health food section. This was the second store I tried, lemme tell ya, it is NOT a good idea wandering thru the baked goods section when you are jonesing for chocolate. I survived, but I'm not sure I would have pulled it off if I hadn't found them when I did.
  • Oh and one more word to the wise. They have a bit of might not want to eat three in one night.

    Unless maybe you need to "knock things loose"
  • I have heard other people say great things about both the brownies and the muffins. I personally need to stay away from all baked goods, otherwise I have horrible cravings!!
    I made those brownies with the blackbeans... and they weren't bad, it was the cravings and binging afterwards that caused problems!!! Why does this happen? Why couldn't I stop at the low fat/high fiber version?!?
  • I'm the same way. I can't snack on healthy versions of brownies and muffins or I'll crave them ALL the time. I have to stay away from that kind of stuff completely. I loved the vitamuffins when I tried them though.
  • I looked on the vitatops website to find a store in my area that sells them. Randalls is supposed to but I scoured that store and could not find them. Maybe one day if I get to Houston I'll check out a gigantic grocery store.
  • The VitaBrownies weren't really to my taste-they just seem a bit off, when compared to the Deep Chocolate VitaMuffins or VitaMuffintops, which I find delicious!
  • I love all of the Vitalicious stuff! I recently ordered the corn muffin tops for when we have cornbread with meals, so that I can have those instead. Even though it's 90 degrees I'm tempted to make chili so that I can try them! My freezer looks like I could sell the stuff at the moment, I have three varieties of tops and 3 boxes of brownies in there, lol.
  • I know, my freezer looks the same way - it looks kind of nutty! It's loaded with chocolate muffins and muffintops (I like the muffins for breakfast and my teenage son eats a top for an afterschool snack, instead of cookies).
    I haven't tried the corn ones yet; tell me how they are once you try them. You could make ratatouille with all the summer squash that's available now and have the corn muffins with that!!
  • I tried these and love them, too! Anyone else have a tendency to go on kicks where you order a bunch of healthy food on line, just to try it out? I've done it a few times now, and luckily I've been happy with the finds: Vitalicious, Pizza Fit 'n Free, Gnu Bars... good stuff!
  • Gina - on the eating 3 in one night!
  • Quote: I tried these and love them, too! Anyone else have a tendency to go on kicks where you order a bunch of healthy food on line, just to try it out? I've done it a few times now, and luckily I've been happy with the finds: Vitalicious, Pizza Fit 'n Free, Gnu Bars... good stuff!
    I can definitely vouch for Vitalicious, as they tend to taste pretty good.
  • Quote: VitaBrownies are pretty danged good if ya ask me.

    YES, they ARE! Almost can't believe they're actually healthy.