
  • Hello everyone, I've got to lose 100+ but heres my situation, my weight flucuates btween 280-290, cant seen to get into the 270 or lower, I just go up a little or down a little, anyone else out there having the same prob. Paulas
  • Well - what are you doing to lose the weight? What plan and how much exercise?
  • It is normal for weight to fluctuate....a little. Even at goal weight my weight varies 2 pounds or so. My question is the same as Lori's , do you have a diet and exercise plan ?
  • Different weight loss approaches work for different people. Folks have success with lowfat, calorie counting, whole foods, low carb, cognitive therapy, etc. If your plan isn't working try changing it up to find something that addresses your issues. You might have to try some different things before you find what works for you.
  • As Schmoodle said- everyone tends to react differently to diet and exercise- I don't know what you're doing to try and lose weight, but keep in mind that it needs to be tailored for your body. It could be anything from you not eating enough, exercising too much for your body type, not exercising enough for your body type Without knowing what you do- it's hard to pin point the problem Just keep your chin up and let us know what you're using
