Useful Supplements for PCOS

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  • Just curious to know what are some vitamins or supplements that have been shown to be helpful for PCOS. I'm currently using Metformin and Spironolactone. I don't plan on taking these forever, though. I peeked at the Insulite website but it's perhaps a bit too pricey for me now. Any thoughts?
  • My dietitian has told me that Chromium in the chelated form may be helpful if you have IR. I have just started taking it - I'll update after I've given it a good chance. But for now - strangely - my appetite seems to be much less. I'm not feeling like I need something, and I don't get shaky as often. That could be related to other things, though, because I've made changes in diet and supplements lately.
  • I know Insulite seems pricey but if you go to a nutritionist those supplements will run you close to or above $100/month as well. My mom is seeing a nutritionist and her supplements are $120/month, when the Insulite has the same stuff in it, and is only $99 when you sign up for a year.

    I hate how insurance companies will pay for pharma drugs and not organic supplements. The supplements should slowly cure, and the drugs will only mask the condition for eternity. Which is more profitable?

    But all supplements/drugs aside, exercise daily is KEY, and not overeating is KEY. I'm actually feeling much better allowing myself to never be full, and always a little hungry. Too much food wrecks havoc on insulin. Small portions and exercise keep insulin in check.
  • This is good info !!!! I have not seen a nutritionist for this condition... Keep the info coming.
  • Thanks!
  • Well, other than general good nutrition and a low glycemic diet (similar to SugarBusters) here is what I am doing:

    DIM -- diindolymethane (I think I spelled that right lol) -- this is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables that has anti-androgen properties (the stuff that gives us facial hair!) and also helps to metabolize estrogens -- many of us are estrogen dominant...

    Spearmint tea: spearmint has been shown to elevate mood as well as containing anti-androgen properties

    red raspberry leaf (I drink it in a tea) -- helps to balance hormones, helps tone uterus, may help with regulating periods/promoting ovulation.

    stress management: strong B vitamin support, helps with stress -- stress creates cortisol, which does a number on adrenals, which does a real number on PCOS

    Milk Thistle -- this supports healthy liver function -- many women with PCOS may have impaired or "sluggish" liver function and maintaining a healthy liver may help symptoms.

  • allowingslender, please elaborate on the DIM- is that something you get at a health food store, or are you just making sure you eat a lot of those foods?

    I completely agree with the raspberry leaf. I want to drink it everyday, just haven't been that good about it! I notice that when I do get my period and I have bad cramps in the beginning, I drink the raspberry leaf tea, then about 1 hour later my period gets very heavy, but less painful. It's heavier for about 8 more hours, then it ends a few days early! It's just so fascinating that an herb can have such a visual and instant effect on the body. I was amazed. I'm sure it would do me good to drink all throughout my cycle (which is 75-days now, long, but regular!!!)
  • Quote:
    allowingslender, please elaborate on the DIM- is that something you get at a health food store, or are you just making sure you eat a lot of those foods?
    Yes, it is a supplement you get at a health food store or vitamin shoppe. I think you'd have to eat a crazy amount of broccoli to have the concentration, but certainly those foods are wonderful to have in our diets!

    DIM is good for both men and women, in men it contributes to prostate health because it has been shown to reduce the androgens that contribute to the growth of cancer cells.

    In women, it has the same anti-androgen properties and helps to balance estrogen -- helping to metabolize them.

    I don't know if I can post links here but a google of something like "DIM for hormone balance" should take you to the right places.

  • FYI -- I found this information:

    Natural Product Effectiveness Checker Results

    Search for: Polycystic ovary syndrome
    Matches: 2

    Possibly Effective:

    INOSITOL (Possibly Effective) View Products Containing: INOSITOL
    Polycystic ovary syndrome
    Taking the inositol isomer D-chiro-inositol orally seems to decrease serum triglyceride and testosterone levels, modestly decreases blood pressure, and induces ovulation in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Insufficient Evidence:

    CHROMIUM (Insufficient Evidence) View Products Containing: CHROMIUM
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    Preliminary evidence suggests that chromium picolinate 500 mcg twice daily might increase glucose disposal in women with PCOS.
  • Oh, I forgot to add. My dietitian said no chromium piccolinate, due to possible side effects and overall effectiveness. I'm taking chelated chromium, in the form of chromium nicolinate. I can't find my handout she gave me - I'll keep looking. I can't remember what the interaction/problem was, but I didn't want any part of it. I completely trust my dietitian. She is a professor at the local university and she also interns nutrition students, so she has to stay up to date on everything, and remain pretty objective. That's what I like the most about her. She isn't too conservative or too far out.

    An update for me: I'm taking Chromium Synergy by Designs for Health. This is a link to the item, but I know nothing about the store, or if you can buy it without being a patient. But they do have the information on why chromium picolinate is bad for us. I've been taking this for a week, and I do feel better through the day. No crashes, no wild cravings, no shakes. Just an even keel.
  • Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for posting the information. I had no idea that chromium picolinate was bad for us. Where do you get your chelated chromium?

  • Jennifer 3FC - what kind of dietitian do you see? Someone that specialiazes in IR?
  • Sorry for not replying, ladies! I didn't even see this. I bought my chelated chromium from my dietitian. She works at a integrative medical complex, so they are more open to supplements. I imagine most dietitians would be open to this, but I'm not sure all doctors (that they would be working for) are in to it. She was not a specialist in IR. She works for a general medical facility. But the holistic/integrative aspect of the facility might have something to do with the willingness to prescribe supplements.

    This place also sells it, but I'm not sure if you can buy without being a patient. You may be able to also get it at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe etc, but I'm sure since they sell the piccolinate form, they will tell you it is safe.
  • Thanks for the heads up on vitamin supps.
  • honestly i never had luck with metformin, supplements or anything. the only thing I can rave about is Vitex and NAC (n-acetyle cystine)... might want to google that spelling ;0)

    I took Vitex and NAC for 3 months with nothing else and ended up getting a positive pregnancy result the DAY I was going in to get started on chlomid.